The Gold Coast Bulletin



ACROSS 1 Revolution (5) 4 Photograph­er’s instructio­n (5,3,6) 11 Desert animal (5) 14 Deadly (5) 15 Admitted formally to office (11) 16 Three-hulled boat (8) 19 Shine wetly (7) 20 Swim (5) 21 Appalling (9) 24 Disappear (anag)(9) 26 Earlier (6) 27 Talented (6) 31 Emerge from egg (5) 32 What Americans call the game of draughts (8) 34 Criminally deceptive (10) 37 Doleful (3) 39 Shots (7) 40 Gambling house (6) 41 Official at a cricket match (6) 42 Minus (4) 43 Energy sugar (7) 46 Gets rid of (10) 51 Tycoon (7) 55 Curved support (4) 56 Write untidily (6) 57 Tooth deposit (6) 58 Fate (7) 60 Age (3) 62 Torn down (10) 63 Unlawful occupant (8) 64 Christmas foliage (5) 67 Light cake (6) 68 Do a favour for (6) 69 Surreal, imaginery (9) 74 New York island (9) 75 Home (5) 76 Warn (7) 81 First public performanc­e (8) 82 Recurrent urge to steal (11) 83 Avid, enthusiast­ic (5) 84 Sudden forward motion (5) 85 Basic daily work to ensure a living (5,3,6) 86 Wharf (5)

DOWN 2 Every twelve months (6) 3 Power cables (5) 5 Female relation (4) 6 Bravery (7) 7 Showed how (6) 8 Student’s test (4) 9 Name (8) 10 Garden insect (6) 11 Official announceme­nt (10) 12 Boggy area (4) 13 Whistle rope (7) 17 Very strange (5) 18 Disparagem­ent of something desired but unobtainab­le (4,6) 22 Vision (5) 23 And so on (8) 25 Largest ocean (7) 26 Blown instrument (7) 28 Handbook (6) 29 Spirituali­st (6) 30 Minimum attendance for a legal meeting (6) 33 Move on all fours (5) 35 Sample by mouth (5) 36 Weapons (4) 38 Song for two (4) 43 Protect (5) 44 Rare (8) 45 Surfeit (6) 46 Make even worse (10) 47 Not occupied (4) 48 Deadlock (7) 49 Beaded counting frame (6) 50 Burst open (5) 52 Skater’s leap (4) 53 Interconne­cted system (7) 54 Knot (6) 59 Use another’s words as one’s own (10) 61 Loosen up (5) 65 Put out of action (8) 66 See-through (5) 67 Surgical knife (7) 70 Glowing brightly (7) 71 Winged child (6) 72 Soak up (6) 73 Law-abiding (6) 77 Provoke (5) 78 Blood vessel (4) 79 Unlock (4) 80 Dossier (4)

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