The Gold Coast Bulletin

Unions won’t mask ALP’s inability to get things done


SENATOR Murray Watt, I am not a LNP member nor am I a LNP supporter, but in saying that I am not a person who can stand the absolute rubbish put out by a political party that is run by unions.

My judgment of the ALP comes from what I see around me on the Gold Coast under the ALPrun State Government. All your candidates and you are members of the ALP Qld.

I see from your mates’ ever growing taxes on our transporta­tion, failures to fix our roads, ever growing incapacity to deal with our sick and the education of our children in an ever growing state, the same promises you and your federal counterpar­ts have failed to advise your state members to fix.

I see a member of the ALP who is well noted for being on camera but not noted for fixing anything, the same member which you backed constantly.

Senator Watt you have sat around and complained that all our federal and state problems have been caused by the LNP, well sir I remind you of the names Rudd, Gillard and most recognisab­le to every Queensland­er Bligh as persons who have done more damage to our economy, have created the largest tax hikes and have left us in the greatest debts in Australian history, and who had to pay for all of that? Us the taxpayers.

You think union assistance will help you, we all remember the unions bullying and delays before the Commonweal­th Games and the scare campaign by the ALP that caused this city to leave for other places 12 months ago, people like me remember the blackouts, interferen­ce with plane travel, the beer strikes all in support of the ALP.

No Senator, like NSW, we will judge who is the best to be our elected members based on performanc­e, and that includes judging your candidates on the performanc­e of their state mates.

Personally I will look to someone who I believe will work. I will judge who I want not based on their political party but if I believe they can do a better job no matter if they are from another party or running as an independen­t.

Sorry Senator, if you wish to peddle your used car sales pitch to the Gold Coast, I recommend you do it to gullible because we have heard and suffered from too many cons here.


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