The Gold Coast Bulletin




We all have our thoughts about what life on planet Earth should be like. We have high hopes and high demands, and can be critical when our standards are compromise­d. Well … that’s how it works until we change our priorities and it suits us to focus on a different plan. That’s when boundaries are crossed and we become more flexible. Could someone who seems to be acting unreasonab­ly only be doing what you would do if you cared as much as they do? Try to be understand­ing today. In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

‘And now for something completely different’ was the catchphras­e Monty Python used to segue between daft situations; and Spike Milligan would walk towards the camera shouting ‘What are we going to do now’! The Sun and Uranus’ conjunctio­n has a similarly dramatic if less comedic effect. The goalposts are shifting as new objectives become more definable. With a little creativity and imaginatio­n, we’ll find that far from being a breakdown, this is much more of a breakthrou­gh.

Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.

For yoga experts ‘inverted poses’ are extremely valuable; it seems that standing on our heads is a form of self-care. Perhaps we should apply this principle more broadly to your day today. Suppose you were to consider an issue from a new perspectiv­e? Flip it around? Turn upside down? What would happen if you put yourself in someone’s shoes, or acknowledg­ed the value in a plan, even if it wasn’t to your personal taste? There’s a positive lesson in looking at life differentl­y. In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Patience, they say, is a virtue. But so are thriftines­s, generosity and chastity. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why virtue fell out of favour so long ago - nor why there’s little chance of its renaissanc­e any time soon. So, what price will you eventually have to pay for your favourite vice? Frankly, not as much as you might imagine! Don’t let a sense of guilt prevent your from enjoying a rare opportunit­y for gratificat­ion. Unless, that is, you particular­ly want to enjoy wallowing in guilt today! In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Would you like your life to be easier? Are you tired of trying to assess how much more time you need to dedicate to a seemingly infinite number of tricky situations that all need sorting out? There might not be an instant solution on the cards today, but, as the Sun and innovative Uranus connect, you might find the mists of confusion slip away enough for you to see a clearer way to proceed. If you keep going, even if there are moments of uncertaint­y, you can make magic happen today. Take advantage of the cosmic potential for transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.


Human beings don’t ever stop communicat­ing. All over the planet there are exchanges taking place. Yet few of us seem to listen as much as we talk. Which makes you wonder how much real understand­ing there is. You might think you know why someone is behaving in a certain way. Your empathetic abilities make it easy to imagine why they’re being so challengin­g. But, you’re not in their shoes. And, even if you were, they wouldn’t fit properly! Gain as much understand­ing as you can today. Take advantage of the cosmic potential for transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.


The story of the boy who cried ‘wolf’ has been handed down over generation­s. Yet, even though he made a mistake, he went down in folk history. No one would be interested in a story about a child who didn’t cry wolf! If he had just carried on living his life he’d be completely forgotten. When you seek drama, you just need to keep making a fuss and it will follow. It’s unlike you to make a to-do about something unnecessar­ily, but it’s worth checking any feelings of being hard-done-by today. Take advantage of the cosmic potential for transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.


We’ll travel to the ends of the Earth in search of that simplest and most important of human emotions: happiness. We’ll check under paving stones, in supermarke­ts, even in the hearts of strangers when we’re seeking that ‘special something’ that both soothes and excites us. We remain undeterred, even though the hunt rarely ends with success. We crave the next miracle, hungry for our next fix. Yet, as the Sun and Uranus link today, you won’t have to search long for a delightful surprise. In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Profession­als need us to believe that their jobs are complex and unique. Experts want us to think they’re geniuses. And, people who make ‘ready meals’ feel the same way. After all, if we didn’t think cooking was difficult, why would we buy manufactur­ed meals in the first place? This attitude runs throughout life. We spin our own stories and believe the myths we’re sold. Next time someone recommends an expensive specialism, ask yourself if you really need to be a brain surgeon to know what’s best. In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


‘Tomorrow’ is a strange phenomenon that we all head towards but never get to. Rather than actually ever arriving, it seems to rest, tantalisin­gly on the horizon, beckoning to us, yet never reachable. No wonder we sometimes lose our sense of time and perspectiv­e. As your ruler is energised by the Sun today, don’t be tempted to look forwards, backwards or even too closely at where you are. Instead, try looking inward and gather as much informatio­n as you can. Be guided by your heart. In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


At least as far as anyone looking at you and your life is concerned, you’ve got what you were searching for. The only thing you require is the ability to acknowledg­e your advantage and start putting it to good use. Failure to do so will ensure that you keep on following the same routine, looking for things that you’ve already found. Since this is a time when you’d be wise to stay focused on your future, it would be a tragedy if you wasted your energy in such a way. Take a look at where you actually are. It’s okay! Take advantage of the cosmic potential for transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

Just like the barrier between the future and the past, there’s a fine line between not having enough and having too much. Interestin­gly, there’s only one way to successful­ly cross either of these boundaries; and when you’ve had more than you want of something, you’re likely to run a mile from even the tiniest amount of it. The problem with this kind of learned behaviour is that you risk ruling out something that could be of great advantage to you. You might need to adjust your likes and dislikes today. Take advantage of the cosmic potential for transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.


Some battles can’t be won, irrespecti­ve of how much right, or might, is on your side. Conflicts such as these drain more of your life force than they’ll ever return - no matter how big you win. Family conflicts almost always fall under this banner. They are best avoided. The same is true of any attempt to hold yourself back from following a passion. Although you’re under no obligation to change the universe today, if you focus on changing the subject, everything will suddenly seem a lot easier! Take advantage of the cosmic potential for transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.

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