The Gold Coast Bulletin



Saturn, the cosmic teacher, can be a bit of a roadblock at the best of times. This week, as it slows to a standstill, it brings situations that create reason for much-needed pause. This is bound to be unsettling; especially since energetic Mars has been so active this weekend. But as long as feelings of frustratio­ns are managed, these enforced times of reflection will lead to new understand­ing. So instead of butting our heads against these walls, we’re better off using them to productive­ly redirect our energy.

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When things are going well, it’s easy to forget to be thankful for our amazing planet and the lives we lead. People seem more likely to turn their thoughts towards the infinite creative lifeforce in times of trouble or concern. It’s when things are tough that we want to feel more connected to the divine. No matter what you believe, as events unfold this week your faith in the existence of a master plan is gathering momentum. Your ruler’s activity has created a wave of reality-based hopefulnes­s. To find out how to make May a magical month, call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Remember that expression ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’? In our politicall­y correct world it’s probably less popular because it sounds ageist and ‘dogist’! In truth, it’s unlikely that anyone has ever scientific­ally researched the speed with which dogs of various ages can learn to do tricks. Even if they have, the fault could lie with the trainer rather than our four-legged friends! Since you’re neither a dog, nor unable to learn new things, you can easily rise to today’s challenge.

To find out how to make May a magical month, call 1900 959 005.


Although it would be possible to tame a lion, you would never be able to fully relax in its presence. A lion will always be a lion. So it is with destiny … it’s impossible to control. It could be that a part of your destiny is to let you feel as if you have some control over it. Yet, like the lion, it will always retain its ability to surprise you. Don’t lose any more of your energy trying to establish control over the uncontroll­able. There’s plenty of time to gracefully back away from a battle that you’re never going to win. To find out how to make May a magical month, call 1900 959 005.


They say that ‘there’s no smoke without fire’, yet working with liquid nitrogen certainly disproves that theory! Things are seldom what they seem. Not that we ever notice. We’re so ready to see what we want to see that our mind plays tricks on us; through our imaginatio­ns we see things that will never unfold in our reality. We might think that breaking the rules makes us dangerous, radical and original. But that’s what every revolution­ary thinks. If you’re going to break the rules today, make it big! May is positively charged with astrologic­al promise: call 1900 959 005.


Choices are rarely easy. This week you’re facing one that can only be approached from an unusual angle. You can base your decision on your material concerns; or you can follow your idealistic hopes. As Saturn slows on its celestial journey, it makes it hard to find a compromise between these two extremes. Try to focus on what you believe you want to happen and then sit with that choice before taking action. You’ll know you’ve made the right decision by how it makes you feel in your heart. May is positively charged with astrologic­al promise: call 1900 959 005.


Welcome to a brand-new vision of the world. As your ruler slows down to a standstill in the sky, it underlines the ending of a cycle. And, when one thing ends, something else begins. You’ve already made some big decisions and begun to implement a change or two. Now, you should begin to see that a significan­t relationsh­ip is showing signs that it will support you in a new approach to a tired situation. Rather than mourning the passing of the old, celebrate the start of something new. May is positively charged with astrologic­al promise: call 1900 959 005.


Although our day-to-day attitude to life might not be the be all and end all of everything, it counts for a lot. As Saturn, the cosmic teacher, slows down it brings strong feelings to the fore. These have been quietly shaping your approach to a problem, and have caused you to exaggerate an irritation. Rather than growing more impatient, try to focus on other matters. Sometimes passion leads us up the wrong path. The truth is that you don’t need to care as much as you do. Don’t rush into a decision today. For your inspiring guide to the month of May call 1900 959 005.


Advertiser­s are watched to prevent them making wild claims about the wonders of their products. That doesn’t mean that we’re not going to be disappoint­ed by our purchases though. Some things just aren’t as good/exciting/efficient as we’re led to believe. Whatever is provoking a big reaction from you at the moment, it’s not going to have as big an impact on your life as you think. If you dig below the surface, you’ll realise that what’s really going on is less problemati­c than it appears to be. For your inspiring guide to the month of May call 1900 959 005.


Although we all know the truth of the saying ‘time waits for no man’, we often forget that the reverse is also true. We tend to rush around, rarely waiting for time to take its course. We find it hard to trust in the natural unfolding of things, and try to keep in control; grabbing onto the steering wheel of life without being able to see where we’re supposed to be heading. Although you’re feeling under intense pressure to react to a provocatio­n, you’d be wise to take your time before responding. For your inspiring guide to the month of May call 1900 959 005.


Why is it easier to say ‘yes’ than ‘no’? It takes some people years to wield this single syllable with confidence. Other people so dread hearing it that they never risk asking a question that might provoke a negative reply. An impasse, somewhere in your world, is being reinforced by resentment. Although you can’t resolve this in a single day, if you’re ready to look at an issue from your past you’ll soon be taking leaps, not strides. Saying ‘yes’ can be scary too, but you’ll soon have plenty of reasons to say it. Your in-depth May monthly forecast is full of good news. Call 1900 959 005.


Shall we take a look at the ever-growing list of things you’re scared to do; that you feel incapable of completing? Or would you prefer to focus on the myriad of hopes, dreams and possibilit­ies that are available? It seems like an easy answer. But, sometimes we need to look at more difficult issues. They don’t go away when we bury our heads in the sand. They stick around, becoming more frustratin­g and more permanent. You can either dwell on obstructio­ns, or make the most of what’s good. Your in-depth May monthly forecast is full of good news. Call 1900 959 005.


How dull would it be if, instead of seven billion-plus people in this world, there were only seven? We’d be fed up of each other by lunchtime! But would the experience make us more or less inclined to feel lonely? Since we tend to have the biggest bust ups with the people who mean the most to us, perhaps it would make little difference. Tricky relationsh­ips are an unavoidabl­e part of being human. Yet, that doesn’t diminish the ones that are truly inspiratio­nal. Hold on to that sense of hope today. Your in-depth May monthly forecast is full of good news. Call 1900 959 005.

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