The Gold Coast Bulletin




Remember when you learned to swim or ride a bike? It might have seemed impossible at first, but you persevered. Some of us really struggle to push past initial barriers and, if we’re honest, we’ve all devoted more time than we might care to mention to disguising our failings and perceived shortcomin­gs. Yet when we persist with determinat­ion we make progress and the process gets easier. A current issue demands a skill you’re not sure you have. But you’re more prepared than you think. To find out how to make May a magical month, call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Some things unsettle us. We shake our heads, dazed, and do our best to keep calm and carry on. Physically and psychologi­cally, we try to avoid recurrence­s of this kind of situation. But we have no internal mechanism that reserves this process for ‘bad’ things, while allowing us to handle the good. Sometimes that means that exciting, incredible opportunit­ies seem awful and overwhelmi­ng. Take some time to fully digest a new situation today. You might arrive at a different conclusion entirely. To find out how to make May a magical month, call 1900 959 005.


Have you ever cooked someone a meal that took hours to prepare? You work away, following the recipe, adjusting the seasoning, adding the little extra touch of magic that will make it sing. Then, your guest demolishes all your work in a few moments, with only a mutter of appreciati­on. Imagine that you have a guardian angel out there, looking over you. They might be feeling rather like that today. The Dark of the Moon shows you how much you have achieved recently. Be thankful today. To find out how to make May a magical month, call 1900 959 005.


Our memories have good reason to be selective. We’ve all had experience­s that we’d prefer not to have rattling around in our minds. That’s not to say that there’s no point in rememberin­g difficult times in our lives. As long as we don’t dwell on them and get lost in the memory, the act of reliving a past drama can be liberating and enable us to move on from old anxieties. Today though, when the Dark of the Moon brings an opportunit­y to make a change, you don’t need to leave anything behind. May is positively charged with astrologic­al promise: call 1900 959 005.


The Montgolfie­r brothers, pioneers of hot air ballooning, took advantage of the fact that hot air rises. This explains why the tops of houses are warmer than basements. Hot air expands too; a phenomenon which also occurs when people argue heatedly about their pet topics. It seems that the more energy and ‘air’ we put into a discussion, the more it grows. What start as small difference­s of opinion can develop into difficulti­es. Uranus and Neptune’s link inspires a way to deflate an argument. May is positively charged with astrologic­al promise: call 1900 959 005.


Imagine living in a world in which an evil tyrant has banned anything that makes us laugh. The rebellious side to your nature wouldn’t stand for such despotic behaviour - you’d find a way to meet other appreciati­ve gigglers, in secret, soundproof rooms and tell silly jokes to each other! Yet, when things get tough, even you find it hard to keep a sense of humour. As Uranus and Neptune link, they bring a chance to smile at a situation that’s been a cause of stress. Watch how it then changes. May is positively charged with astrologic­al promise: call 1900 959 005.


You’d be suspicious if today’s forecast predicted you were going to see a UFO. If I told you that you were going to win the lottery jackpot you’d be similarly doubtful. Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting that either of these will be happening! I’m just trying to show you how we limit our expectatio­ns. We file all sorts of ideas away in a category called ‘never going to happen’, including some that really don’t belong there. As Uranus and Neptune link, don’t dismiss a dream that could become reality. For your inspiring guide to the month of May call 1900 959 005.


Have you ever noticed how proverbial wisdom contradict­s itself? We say, ‘better late than never’, but also warn that ‘it won’t do to leave things until the last minute’. So which is it to be for you today? You’re in time to make a crucial difference to a key situation. Uranus and Neptune bring an opportunit­y that you can’t afford to waste. Nor can you allow old fears or worries to obscure your vision. Rather than fearing any feelings of confusion, you can use them to be objective and make a good choice. For your inspiring guide to the month of May call 1900 959 005.


Every now and then, our fears, worries, doubts and struggles take the day off. On such days, we wake up buoyed up by a wave of possibilit­y, opportunit­y and joy. Our passage through life’s sometimes turbulent waters seems crystal clear. We feel as if we can achieve anything we set our mind to. Of course, these days aren’t as common as we’d like them to be. Yet today, as your ruler links with inspiring Neptune, you’re being showered with blessings. You can make an important decision. For your inspiring guide to the month of May call 1900 959 005.


If you watch any of the soaps, you’d be forgiven for thinking that people enjoy arguing with one another. Yet, the reality is that we prefer to get along. We desire to lead peaceful and harmonious lives, with empathetic understand­ing relationsh­ips. It’s just that there’s something about conflict which means that once it’s risen to the surface it’s hard to push down again. The powerful Dark of the Moon brings the chance to negotiate a compromise that will bring calm to a troubled situation. Take the first step. Your in-depth May monthly forecast is full of good news. Call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

As Neptune and innovative Uranus meet today, you’re being gifted with a burst of energy. For some time now, you’ve been facing the metaphoric­al equivalent of an ugly concrete building, which you’ve been trying to clear from your sights. It’s been preventing you from moving forward and following your vision. Today brings the equivalent of cosmic dynamite. You just need to check to ensure that the area is clear, remove yourself from the vicinity, and depress the button. The obstacle will disappear. Your in-depth May monthly forecast is full of good news. Call 1900 959 005.


Where would you keep a magic wand if you had one? Would you tuck it into a drawer? Hide it in the back of a cupboard? Stuff it behind the sofa cushions? Maybe you can’t remember where it is because you’ve cast a spell of forgetfuln­ess, just to make sure that you don’t reveal your secret powers to anyone else. As your ruler links with innovative Uranus today, even if you have no memory of having magic powers, try to act as if you do. You’ll be astonished by what you can achieve. Your indepth May monthly forecast is full of good news. Call 1900 959 005.

 ??  ?? Today, Uranus and Neptune form the last alignment in a tense relationsh­ip which has moved in and out of focus since August 2017. Combined with the darkness created as the Moon disappears ahead of the weekend’s Taurean New Moon, it’s time to be seduced by potential visionary change. This isn’t just the end of a difficult process. It’s the beginning of a new, exciting adventure. If we adopt a less fearful approach to the unknown, we’ll be motivated to use the power of this opportunit­y.
Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.
Today, Uranus and Neptune form the last alignment in a tense relationsh­ip which has moved in and out of focus since August 2017. Combined with the darkness created as the Moon disappears ahead of the weekend’s Taurean New Moon, it’s time to be seduced by potential visionary change. This isn’t just the end of a difficult process. It’s the beginning of a new, exciting adventure. If we adopt a less fearful approach to the unknown, we’ll be motivated to use the power of this opportunit­y. Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.

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