The Gold Coast Bulletin

Activist’s links to Labor are an insult to Queensland­ers


THANK God the Bulletin is on top of what is really happening.

The informatio­n that one of the activists who frequents our beautiful Gold Coast is being funded by her work – provided by our ALP Queensland State Government after they made a commitment to all Queensland­ers that they would not tolerate animal activist zealots – is disgusting misleading of Queensland­ers.

What is even more disgusting in the informatio­n provided to the public is that this activist, who lists her profession as a profession­al activist, has possibly a position in a department that affects the housing needs of farmers and their families.

This informatio­n added to recent support by the ALP Queensland State Government for Adani protesters using animal protection as a means to stop jobs in Queensland. That an entire town has recently shown its total support for that project shows they have little concern for any real Queensland worker, their families or their wishes.

We on the Gold Coast have seen too many times how the ALP Queensland State Government has cowed down to other animal activists such as Lois Levy from Gecko, who is constantly demanding from us to worry about the animals over our jobs and families and is totally opposed to any progress that makes our lives better and happier.

It is very obvious that the ALP State Government cannot be believed. Their statement as to activists was just a smoke screen as they could not have been ignorant of the fact that the protester Angela Banovic was a member of their public service.

Queensland’s ALP Premier, supported by her Federal leader Bill Shorten, has turned her back on workers – even unionists who would be employed by the mines – on farmers and their families who feed our nation. They have demanded that we, whom they tax beyond belief, buy electric failures; that we, the people who pay their taxes, should allow activists to run riot over us. RON NIGHTINGAL­E, BIGGERA WATERS

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