The Gold Coast Bulletin



The Sun and Mercury converge today, moments after they enter Mercury’s home sign of Gemini. Together, they allow us to see with greater clarity and positivity. This is a day to be bold in both thought and deed. We can be more creative when generating ideas as well as convincing when it comes to sharing them. We talked about not being scared of the dark yesterday. Now, it feels as if a bulb has been switched on. Although problems won’t simply disappear, they’ll be far less worrisome in this new light.

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Rather than asking, ‘what on earth is going on?’ try asking, ‘why on earth’ it is happening. If you really want to do something to help, try understand­ing the issue that lies at the root of the drama. Even though it might not seem to make any sense, there is a logical explanatio­n. You’ll feel much better if you try to make an allowance for what you can’t comprehend. Even just accepting that there is a rhyme and a reason will subtly shift your perception. Then, you’ll be on your way to reclaiming your power. You don’t need to worry about the future! Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

You are not like most people. Other folk know what they like, and like what they know and do what they do in the situation that they’re in. That’s not the case with you, though. You don’t do ordinary things. You like to do what other people don’t do. You like to celebrate your uniqueness. Why then are you looking at a challengin­g situation and trying to assess it using a convention­al approach? It will be much less of a problem when you stop thinking about what other people think. Then you can do as you feel. Just four minutes on the phone will give you the key to a happier life. Call 1900 959 005.


What’s the difference between the highly marketed version of a product and it’s generic counterpar­t? They both do much the same thing, to a similar standard. So why are we sometimes tempted into buying the one with the famous name? It’s all to do with our sense of status – a psychologi­cal issue which advertiser­s understand and use to their advantage. We make statements about who we believe ourselves to be with our purchases. You have to think about why ‘best’ really is the best. For important news about the big changes due in your life. Call 1900 959 005.


An exciting financial opportunit­y lies on the horizon. Things might not take an immediate turn for the better; I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but you have the chance to open a door and capitalise on an opportunit­y. Whether it’s love or money, if it’s within reason, it’s yours for the taking. And if you feel like you’re running into a brick wall? It’s probably because you’re being driven by fear, instead of hope. It’s time to put on your rose-tinted glasses. Today, the impossible will seem possible. Just four minutes on the phone will give you the key to a happier life. Call 1900 959 005.


Imagine that you’re at a theme park; on a rollercoas­ter trundling slowly up the steep slope when suddenly … it breaks down. Now you’re stuck, at the very top. All you want is to get down. Quickly and safely. You have no choice but to wait. Then a giant ladder is raised up to your carriage. They expect you to climb down? Are they completely mad? In order to escape one difficult scenario, it seems that you’re going to have to complete another challengin­g task. It won’t be easy. But it’s possible. For important news about the big changes due in your life. Call 1900 959 005.


There’s being unreasonab­le, and then there’s being REALLY unreasonab­le. Someone, somewhere in your world, is being the latter. What’s worse is that they’re making out that you’re the problem! As you’re now being asked to defend yourself from nonsensica­l arguments and slanderous suggestion­s, it’s fortunate that you’re patient, kind, level-headed, and able to rise serenely above it all. Though your abilities are being tested to the limit, take a deep breath. Peace will soon be yours. You don’t need to worry about the future! Call 1900 959 005.


As the Sun and Mercury converge, they invite you to look at a situation in which you feel beholden. Is there a commitment you can’t get away from? Have you had to resign yourself to an unsatisfac­tory position? If so, here comes an escape route. There’s a window of opportunit­y which, with a little effort on your part, is just about large enough for you to squeeze through. Of course, if you’re happy where you are, you won’t need to make that effort. If that’s the case, stop worrying and start enjoying. For important news about the big changes due in your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Mountains can’t be moved by faith alone. It takes a huge amount of effort, and, even then, there’s no guarantee that your own metaphoric­al mountain will be successful­ly relocated. Yet, once you start to dig, there’s a good chance that you’ll realise that it’s not as big as you thought it was. Or perhaps someone will arrive to give you a hand. Maybe they’ll have some dynamite so that you can blast your Everest to kingdom come. As you’ll see today, amazing things happen when you put the effort in. You don’t need to worry about the future! Call 1900 959 005.


Most people like the idea of power, forgetting that the greater it is, the more responsibi­lity it brings. And with responsibi­lity comes pressure. Pressure brings a decrease in concentrat­ion, which brings distractio­ns, which bring a loss of power. It’s just one of the cycles of life – for which we should be grateful. Be glad that you’re not omniscient now and enjoy the power that you do have. You have fewer responsibi­lities than you think. You also, have less of a problem than you imagine. Just four minutes on the phone will give you the key to a happier life. Call 1900 959 005.


There are so many ridiculous people about. Absolute idiots with huge amounts of swagger and little knowledge to back it up. Oops! Sorry! I’m meant to be giving you a prediction rather than describing what seems to be happening right in front of you! So, here it is: you need to rise above your frustratio­ns and hold back from playing the blame game, regardless of how justified you might be. Then, you’ll have the power to simply float above whatever’s been holding you back and achieve real change. You don’t need to worry about the future! Call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

The Romans had a saying about the perils of alcohol. ‘In vino veritas’ – in wine lies the truth. Most of us have had experience­s that would back up this ancient idiom. We sometimes reveal things that we’d otherwise keep to ourselves when we’re under the influence. Powerful emotions can be equally intoxicati­ng. Great enthusiasm or anger can expose our innermost secrets. As the Sun and Mercury link, a veil is lifted that reveals valuable informatio­n. You’ll soon be in a position to act on it. Just four minutes on the phone will give you the key to a happier life. Call 1900 959 005.


We humans seem to have an extraordin­ary talent for getting on each other’s nerves. We take to it like ducks to water – it comes as naturally as breathing. Ironically, we’re often at our most irritating when we’re trying to be sensitive and empathetic. There’s little hope of you changing a strange scenario today. But that’s not to say that you should let it bother you. Do everything you cannot to be frustrated or frustratin­g. Be generous, kind, and trusting and most of all, be calm. Things will soon settle down. For important news about the big changes due in your life. Call 1900 959 005.

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