The Gold Coast Bulletin



MOST of the visiting celebs who hit town for the Logies were sweetness and light but one among them was definitely not singing from the same hymn book. Presumably she was a bit miffed that she wasn’t getting maximum exposure from her two minutes of fame. How else to explain her bizarre behaviour on the red carpet of reverse photo bombing – standing in front of other celebs – to ensure she was snapped by the paps. She was also observed using her elbows a la Boxing Day sales to clear a path through the crowd. We’re guessing that this time next year she won’t be there and her name will be a pub trivia question in the (very) light entertainm­ent category.

COULD it be that we are becoming the hipster doofus of Australia? The following exchange was overheard between a customer and a waitress in a popular restaurant. On receiving a menu the customer loudly proclaimed that she was a vegetarian and needed to have a special menu. Obviously used to dealing with high maintenanc­e customers the waitress dryly replied, “Are you a real vegetarian or a Gold Coast vegetarian who eats chicken and fish?” Game, set and match.

THIS is a novel way to win votes. Which local politician received a complaint from a concerned resident? Nothing to do with rubbish or rates, this was a whinge about a water meter that had mud on it. Now a normal person would have simply wiped off the dirt and gone on with life but who are we to judge what is normal. To the pollie’s credit the complaint was handled promptly by a personal visit to (a) clear the meter and then (b) taking a selfie with the cleaned gauge to prove it had been done. The photo was then emailed to the resident to prove that the job had been done for hopefully a vote. A pollie’s lot is not a happy one.

THERE are people who frequently complain and then there is this dame who has taken nit picking to an Olympic level. Usually it is at restaurant­s where she is hoping to get a discount on her bill but now she has upped her game to a whole new level. Her target is now rented accommodat­ion. The usual thing is sign a lease and then two months in she fires off a series of written complaints to the agent or owner. The next step is to cease paying the rent and after four months of living for free moves out and declares that the place was uninhabita­ble and she won’t be paying another cent. Be warned.

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