The Gold Coast Bulletin



A French philosophe­r-cum-football-coach used to describe his side’s disappoint­ing performanc­es as ‘playing with the handbrake on’. Often his team would do enough to win their games, but they’d make tough going of it. As Jupiter and Saturn make a tricky alignment, we won’t have as much freedom to express ourselves in our work as we might like. Yet, with dynamic Mars settling into its new home in Virgo, as long as we exhibit effort and energy, special qualities will still shine through.


It seems that over time, the actions of King Canute have been misunderst­ood. Rather than trying to demonstrat­e his power over the tides, apparently, he was attempting to show his armies and advisers that not even someone of royal birth and great privilege has the power to rule over the forces that govern the cosmos. It was a wise and courageous thing to do. As your ruler settles into Virgo, if you can find the courage to admit to a weakness you can develop a deeply valuable strength. Your week ahead forecast is jam-packed full of news. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

When the great Joni Mitchell sang about love she wrote about ‘the dizzy dancing way that you feel as every fairy tale comes real’. Yet, later in the song she sings about its stresses too. It seems that most things in our lives, including those that make us the most happy, have double-edges to them. Recently, you’ve been made aware of the difficulti­es of a situation that you’re emotionall­y committed to. Over the next few days, you’ll start to see the positives it holds. Good news indeed.

Want to hear some priceless informatio­n about your week? Call 1900 959 005.


Even if you sit down and dedicate time to looking at a plant, you won’t be able to see it grow. It’s impossible to witness this process. We’re only able to notice the change in its size after spending time occupied by something else because our powers of perception are focused on activities that occur at a much faster rate. And, this is only one of many life forces that we’re unable to observe. Your ruler’s link with Saturn today may not be easy, but it begins a process of healing which will be tangible soon. Do yourself a favour; treat yourself! Pick up the phone! 1900 959 005.


Have you ever had one of those dreams when, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t speak? It’s the kind of symbolism that’s easy to interpret; it suggests that there’s an area of the world in which you’re feeling overlooked. The question to ponder today is whether you can think of anyone, anywhere in your life, who could be experienci­ng such a situation? The cosmos is bringing you an opportunit­y to make someone’s dreams become a reality - or, perhaps even better, an unreality! Lift your spirits. Change your life! For valuable insight, call 1900 959 005.


Most mythologic­al experts seem to be in agreement that fairies live all around us, hidden in flowers and hedgerows, but angels exist in the ethereal realms among the stars. But what are the difference­s between these two kinds of winged creatures? Which of them will be of most help to you now? As Mars settles into your sign, shortly before the arrival of Venus, you’re being blessed by a kindly sky. Whether you call on the angels or the fairies, you’ll receive a response to your request.

Mars, Venus and the Sun in Virgo is very special. Call 1900 959 005.


There are lots of things that you don’t have. Some aren’t destined to come your way. Some, are attainable if you work hard enough. Yet, why swim an ocean that doesn’t need to be swum? Or argue a point that doesn’t need making? If you’re content with your current situation then say so with conviction. But, if you’re in the process of convincing yourself not to do something that you ought to do, as Jupiter links with your ruler, reconsider your priorities and let them dictate your path.

Just four minutes on the phone could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


When musicians join forces and play together they often find that they perform better. The same is often said of sports people too. Inspired by other people’s abilities, we tend to raise our game. Today, as Jupiter and Saturn align, you’re being asked to increase your efforts and reach a higher level of expertise. Even if there is no one around to inspire you, you’re going to have to try to find an extra level of energy and commitment. Just making the effort will be worthwhile. Try your best today. Your week ahead forecast will be most rewarding. Call 1900 959 005.


We tend to think that we know just about everything we need to know about the people closest to us. Yet, even our longest associatio­ns hold the potential to surprise us. We don’t even know our own selves as well as we think we do; in unexpected situations we can be surprised by the way that we react. Such moments offer the possibilit­y of breaking free of old, traditiona­l routines. As Jupiter links to Saturn today, it brings the chance to transform part of your life. Seize the moment!

To hear how your life can change for the better, call 1900 959 005.


It’s little wonder, when you take a look at what’s going on all over our planet, that people are saying that the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Yet, if the lunatics really had taken over, we’d be living in a world with a lot more emphasis on fun, freedom, ingenuity and creativity. Rather, we seem to be under the influence of leaders who believe in the ultimate fantasy… that they’re completely sane! As Jupiter and Saturn link, you can do something surprising­ly crazy today. You’d be crazy not to do it! In a week of celestial creativity, transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


If you speak to anyone in marketing they’ll tell you that presentati­on is all-important. When viewed from the right angle, under the right light, the price people will pay for something is much higher. It’s only later, when they get it home, that the more practical question of its functional­ity and suitabilit­y arises. Today, as Jupiter and Saturn make a tricky alignment, it’s worth rememberin­g that function is more important than form. All that glisters is not gold and, as you’ll discover, practicali­ty is key. New celestial energies can energise your life. Call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

None of us are blessed with perfect memories - which is perhaps a most fortunate thing. After all, there are certain things we’d prefer to forget. But there are also treasured moments that we want to hold on to. ‘Treasured’ doesn’t necessaril­y always mean positive either. Every mistake teaches us an invaluable lesson and, as long as the act of rememberin­g enables us to free ourselves from a fear, it’s a good thing. As you acclimatis­e to an exciting change, don’t be afraid of looking to the past. Lift your spirits. Change your life! For exciting news, call 1900 959 005.


When we’re feeling insecure we want the cosmos to send us a sign. Then, when little things happen, we can spend days analysing the details. The problem, is that they’re so easily misunderst­ood and misinterpr­eted. It would be so much easier if the universe sent us an email or text with a message that was unequivoca­lly clear. Since you’re looking for advice on a difficult emotional matter if the signs seem ambivalent your best bet is to ignore them. Your own intuition is all that’s needed, today. Creative and inspiring times lie ahead for you. Call 1900 959 005.

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