The Gold Coast Bulletin

BoJo goads Corbyn

Prime Minister attacks Labour in chase for pre-Brexit election


BORIS Johnson warned Labour it “cannot hide forever” after the party rejected a general election for a second time, as he doubled down on his pledge to leave the European Union.

The Prime Minister – who kicked out 21 MPs who voted against him last week and had a further two, including his brother, resign – failed to get the numbers for a snap poll before the current October 31 Brexit deadline.

The vote yesterday came in at 293 for and 46 against, short of the two thirds majority needed under the Fixed Term Parliament­s Act.

Almost half

Mr Johnson said he would continue to work for a deal, while keeping a no-deal option on the table despite a new law of MPs abstained. ordering him to ask for an extension to January 31.

“They have now twice denied the British people their say in an election,” he said. “Meanwhile, this Government will press on with negotiatin­g with a deal, while preparing to leave without one.”

Mr Johnson added he would attend a crucial summit with European leaders on October 17, despite suggestion­s he may quit to force an election.

“This Government will not delay Brexit any further. While the opposition run from their duty to those who put us here, they cannot hide forever,” he said. “I am determined they will see that it is this Government that was on their side.”

Mr Johnson suspended Parliament until October 14 after a fiery, angry debate. He goaded Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has joined forces with the Scottish National Party to prevent an election. They claim Mr Johnson, who was leading in the published polls, was drawing them into a trap.

“I’d like to know, if the right honourable gentleman (Mr Corbyn) wishes to avoid a nodeal Brexit, why does he not call a general election, get a mandate and go to Brussels himself?” he said.

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