The Gold Coast Bulletin


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Although their alignment was at its most exact yesterday, we haven’t heard the last of the Sun-Neptune opposition that linked so powerfully with Jupiter. Their relative positions will remain close enough for this weekend’s Full Moon to bring their relationsh­ip to a head. Their combined energy doesn’t cool much in the meantime; tomorrow it’s the turn of Mars to move opposite Neptune. So it’s wise to avoid getting into hot water today. However steamy the situation is now, it may not yet be at boiling point. ARIES MAR 21 - APR 20

The prospect of going through a testing experience is often worse than the actual experience itself. We sometimes find ourselves in stretching situations that demand us to deal with difficulti­es we’d prefer not to have to deal with. We’re forced to be brave and to move out of our comfort zone. Even though we don’t enjoy the process, we benefit from the sacrifices we make. As your ruler, Mars, links to Neptune, look back at a source of recent stress. You’re about to reap rewards. Be ready for the powerful changes as the planets positively combine. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Freedom and herbal teas share a similarity; they often smell better than they taste. Something that you thought would be a delight has left a rather bitter flavour in your mouth. Your expectatio­ns were so firmly fixed that when the actual experience differed from them, it was almost unpalatabl­e. As Mars and Neptune link, there’s no point wanting something from someone who’s unable to give you what you need; and freedom isn’t a quality that you can use just to sweeten a challenge. Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate. Find solutions! Call 1900 959 005.


Delightful things happen on our planet. Plants grow. Butterflie­s fly. The waves of the ocean roll on to sandy shores. Awful things happen too. Volcanic eruptions, avalanches, drought and forest fires. Nature and human nature are very similar things. We all hold the capacity to do good as well as bad. Sometimes, we swing so quickly from one extreme to the other that we lose track of where we are and how we feel. You’re in a situation which is changing at great speed. Something bad, is turning good. Capture the energy of the positively star-filled skies. Call 1900 959 005.


Soap powder brands tell us how many more washing machine loads their product will wash compared to their rivals. But longevity isn’t always desirable. Willy Wonka’s Everlastin­g gobstopper­s appeal to a child but, to grown-ups, they sound absolutely ghastly. How would they work? Surely they’re unhygienic? How long before they become tasteless? Likewise, who wants a problem with a long shelf life? Today, why not celebrate a situation while it’s here, rather than mourn its departure. In a time of celestial creativity, you can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Every child I’ve met would choose to live on chocolate if they could. They’re not worried about nutrition. And no amount of explaining the health benefits of broccoli or sprouts would make a difference! So, how different are grown-ups? Most of us, I suspect, could afford to be a little more circumspec­t when it comes to our diets. Yet, we tend to tell ourselves that a little bit of what we fancy does us good. And, if we’re honest, we preach the reverse too. Today, however, calls for a different type of logic. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, you can transform your world. Call 1900 959 005.


Not so long ago, it was perfectly acceptable to spend the night drinking at a party and then drive home. Alcohol was seen as a social relaxant rather than a problem. It took a powerful public safety campaign (not to mention significan­t jail sentences) to wake people up to the dangers of their carefree attitudes. Fortunatel­y, there’s no confusion today. In fact, it’s inconceiva­ble to imagine a time when things were different. An exciting, and similarly fundamenta­l realisatio­n is on its way to you. Fulfil your dreams! Let the stars reveal your desires. Call 1900 959 005.


It would be great if a law were passed that required everyone to wear clothes which suited their moral and ethical values. If all good, kind citizens were obliged to wear brightly striped clothes, they would be much easier to spot. If all bad people had to wear clothes with dots on them, we would instantly know who to talk to, who to work for, and who to enter a relationsh­ip with. Would the fashion consultant­s be the ones making judgments on who wore which clothes? Don’t judge by appearance­s today. You can use the celestial energy to create positive change. Call 1900 959 005.


Although it sounds counter-intuitive, if you’re grateful for what’s going wrong today, you’ll find an opportunit­y to put something right. When you gladly acknowledg­e something that’s irritating or annoying you, you can start to figure out why you’ve been reacting in such a way. Then you can find a better way to proceed. Be thankful for your most difficult problem too – the one that seems unsolvable. Imagine the delight you’ll feel when you find a solution. Because, soon enough, you will. You’ve got lots to look forward to! Find hope and inspiratio­n! Call 1900 959 005.


What makes you think you can succeed where others before you have tried and failed? What gives you the ability to decode a message that seems to be indecipher­able? Isn’t that just arrogance? Doesn’t it just epitomise your Aquarian sense of self-assurednes­s and individual­ity? Put such thoughts out of your mind. Your unusual approach to a current riddle is exactly what’s needed to smash through a conundrum. Keep politeness for another day and shout your solution to the world!

Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.


An old drama is drawing to a close; which means that another one must be waiting in the wings. Yet, how are you going to be able to devote yourself to the next project when you’re not quite ready to let go of the last one? You’re wondering whether you’ve done enough to ensure that a particular issue is laid to rest. All that really matters, is what’s happening today. As Mars and Neptune link, they bring the perspectiv­e you need to free yourself from the past. Then focus on what you can change. How can you benefit from this week’s powerful astrologic­al outlook? Call 1900 959 005.


The planet we live on is just a tiny ball of rock, which is spinning through space. Space, as far as we know, is infinite; it goes in all directions and for all of time (which is also infinite). So that’s the circumstan­ces we human beings find ourselves in. And, since we have a beginning and an end, we find it difficult to get our heads around the concept of infinite. That’s why we tend to ignore it. Yet we’re in a cosmos filled with limitless possibilit­ies. Today, the cosmos reminds you that anything is possible. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth prediction, call 1900 959 005.


You have more wisdom than you think and great depth of understand­ing. That’s why you’re so attracted to laughter and cheeriness. It offers you a contrast and provides you with a means of escaping from intense situations that you’re dealing with. Yet, in among the jokes and joviality, you’re finding your way to an important clue. It will help you to uncover the underlying reasons which underpin the situation that takes up so much of your time. You have just the right touch to deal with these. In a week of cosmic creativity, transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.

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