The Gold Coast Bulletin

Disabled woman’s naked terror


A NAKED man pressed himself against a disabled woman as she tried to unlock her Labrador unit and asked if she could “feel the love”, a court has been told.

A few days earlier the 51year-old man had “straddled” the same woman as she sat on a walker and attempted to touch her breasts while wearing nothing but a sarong, police will allege.

A Pimpama man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been charged with a string of offences including two counts of sexual assault, assault occasionin­g bodily harm, indecent act in a public place and wilful exposure. He was granted bail in the Southport Magistrate­s Court yesterday.

Police allege the incidents occurred between January 18 and 22 last year.

Defence lawyer Dan Rawlings, of Rawlings Criminal Law, said his client was “so unwell” at the time of the alleged incidents that he denied “involvemen­t”.

Mr Rawlings said the prosecutio­n’s case against his client was “extremely strong”.

Prosecutor Amalia BakerSmith said the man was naked on January 22 last year as he approached the woman while she was trying to unlock the front door of her unit and grasped her tightly.

He tightened his grip on her as she tried to pull away and only left after she threatened to call police, the court was told.

“(She) could feel his erect penis push about against her lower back,” Ms Baker-Smith said.

“He asked her if she could feel the love.”

The matter was referred to the Mental Health Court.

Magistrate Andrew Sinclair granted the man bail on a surety of $5000 under conditions including that he live at Pimpama. The man was ordered to report to police three times a week and have no contact with the woman.

The matter will be mentioned in the Southport Magistrate­s Court on December 5.

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