The Gold Coast Bulletin



YOU never know what you might find around the corner.

This week I decided to go for a jog around the block, something I had not done for – let’s face it, since last year.

Anyway, my walk-slash-run around the area, without dogs, meant I could explore the back streets of Labrador without having to stop every five metres to let the dogs sniff the grass.

It turned out there was a nice path to follow, with or without pooches.

For this short journey, which will only take you 10-15 minutes if you decide to jog (I’m starting off slow, okay), begin at Little Usher Ave just off Olsen Ave.

There is a small reserve on the left side with a footpath that you can follow, which eventually comes out at the corner of Freeman St and Kenny Dve.

If you follow the reserve on the other side, you will end up at a large open field fringed by trees, with a small bridge to your left. You might even see a cute duck family waddling around, resting by the water and under the shade of the tall green trees lining the stream.

There are two options here – one, getting off the beaten track and adding a solid walk/ jog along the edge of the field, and two, heading straight across the bridge and following the footpath’s right hook further on.

At this point you are close to Olsen Ave where you have, again, two options.

One is to head back to where you started. Alternativ­ely, you can grab some early morning hash browns at the nearby Hungry Jack’s. Hmm, decisions, decisions.

 ?? Picture: AMANDA ROBBEMOND ?? Behind Olsen Ave in Labrador is another world to explore.
Picture: AMANDA ROBBEMOND Behind Olsen Ave in Labrador is another world to explore.

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