The Gold Coast Bulletin



FINALLY an explanatio­n for her disappeara­nce from every envelope opening in town for the past few months. It seems after a gallon or two of shriek juice she made the all-too-familiar mistake of deciding to make a late-night call. The person on the other end was none too pleased to be woken up. The unhappines­s was compounded because they were supposed to meet for mediation to resolve a longstandi­ng dispute over a mega buck claim. Anyway the drunken one said some very unsavoury things, the mediation was a disaster, and after some legal wrangling the cruel caller lost bigly. End result she has to pay the full amount plus costs which she can’t afford. Don’t drink and dial folks – it can be expensive.

THERE are many reasons to buy a very expensive car and then there is this one. Distraught over the death of a much-loved family pet, this mega-rich dude decided to ease the pain by calling his friendly neighbourh­ood auto trader and placing an order for something sleek, shiny and speedy. Money was no object so long as it could be delivered pronto. Before you could say “start your engine” the car was parked in his garage making him feel better. Did we mention before that the very rich are very different?

SHE was sick and tired of hearing one of her gal pals bleating on about the lack of suitable men. It was the usual list of complaints – they don’t get me; they only want one thing; they don’t like the things I like etc. Finally, after the umpteenth outing of hearing those gripes her friend let loose. In short she asked why did the single one think she was so special and why had she rejected so many great men over the years because they weren’t good enough for her? Those chaps had since gone on to become great husbands and fathers so maybe the problem lies within. That straight talking wasn’t taken well and sadly the friendship now appears to be broken. The truth does hurt.

CLEAN up on aisle three. Supermarke­ts are usually functional places where little of much interest, promotiona­l toys aside, happens. Not so when these two feuding mothers met by accident and took their spat over who said what at a social gathering to a new level. Heated words were exchanged with some choice epithets hurled about each other and their darling offspring. After a few minutes of hissing they parted ways but we fear this is not going to be the last of it.

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