The Gold Coast Bulletin




It doesn’t take much effort to see that there are some people who become successful by behaving despicably. These folk aren’t just insensitiv­e to the ramificati­ons of their unpleasant­ness, they are bad to the core. Well, that’s how it seems. So, if you were to run into anyone like this today, how should you react? Regardless of how tempted you might be to wreak revenge, or tell them how reprehensi­ble they are, be as understand­ing as you can be. You’ll have more impact than you imagine. Saturn’s change of direction brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

I often use the metaphor of a playground to think about life. Like a seesaw, what goes up, comes back down. And, like a roundabout, what goes around comes back around. To think of life in terms of today’s static present is to misunderst­and it. The only certainty is that things change. There are reasons why you feel defensive. You know, from past experience, that joyful situations can sour all too quickly. Yet, as Saturn moves forward, it brings reassuranc­e. You have nothing to fear.

Saturn’s change of direction brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

Is it callous to save your own hide while leaving someone else vulnerable, to fend for themselves? Not if you’re planning on going back for them! If you can’t free them without first freeing yourself, then it’s not just right, but it’s the only course of action. Sure, you might have to venture back into the lion’s den to uphold your end of the cosmologic­al deal … but what choice do you have? It’s time to make a big decision. Don’t be swayed by ‘noble’ ideals; simply do whatever you feel is right.

Saturn’s change of direction brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

Can you turn something into nothing? Or nothing into something? And, while we’re on this existentia­l track, how about this: what exactly is a problem? Is it simply a puzzle that hasn’t been solved or is it more tangible? The solution to these questions is really very simple. They all rely on ingenuity, inspiratio­n, and the powerful astrologic­al suggestion that you’re in an extraordin­ary position to harness all three of these factors and utilise them with aplomb. So, what’s left to do? Don’t give in to doubt! A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


We tend to take our talents and skills for granted. When something comes to us naturally, we underestim­ate its value. We easily overlook the advantages it brings, and the gains we’ve made by employing it in our lives. The same can be said of our emotional dispositio­ns; when we have a natural tendency to act in a certain way, we exude it more often than we realise. You’re unaware of how often you manifest kindness and helpfulnes­s towards other people. A well-deserved reward is heading your way. A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


You’ve been under pressure recently: there has been an unusual amount of drama affecting your life. Yet it hasn’t all been challengin­g. There’s been a lot to appreciate too. You might desire a trouble-free route forwards into your future, but first, you need to let go of some of your expectatio­ns and concerns about what lies ahead. As Saturn, your ruler, starts to move forwards, you can let go of something that’s making you feel uncomforta­ble; and move into a lighter and brighter era.

A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


There’s no way to turn back, pause, or fast-forward time. No one has managed to invent a remote control that we can operate on our lives. Yet, there’s one particular­ly relevant ability that you’ve been blessed with. You can choose to fully engage with what’s going on in the here and now. You have the ability to look through the busy clutter of life and appreciate the magic it offers. It’s this talent that enables you to magically alter the future and the past. As Saturn moves forwards, you can do that today. Saturn’s change of direction brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005.


Sometimes it seems as if everywhere we turn, we’re surrounded by worry, trouble and strife. We can’t say anything without second guessing ourselves; we’re terrified that we’ll speak out of turn and make things even more complicate­d. Is it any wonder that we become defensive and nervous? But there are times which call us to move beyond the safety and security of our situation. You’re about to be offered an exciting adventure. Take stock of the risks, but don’t let them put you off. Saturn’s change of direction brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005.


So, if you don’t stand your ground, if you step aside, if you back down, or fail to stand up to bullies, are you letting others trample all over you? It’s certainly an understand­able suppositio­n. Of course, there are times when rage is a reasonable and appropriat­e response to injustice, unkindness or cruelty. Yet, in the heat of the moment, it’s easy to go too far and, once we have, there’s no going back. Be patient today. If you give someone enough space, they’ll hoist themselves by their own petard. Saturn’s change of direction brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005.


You’re feeling trapped by a situation you’ve tried to avoid. It seems as if the hole you’re in is so deep you’re going to struggle to get out. Is this something you’ve accidental­ly fallen into, or could you be the person who dug your way into this? If that’s the case, it’s time to stop digging. As Saturn starts to move forwards, it brings you the chance to reassess a problem. You can grant yourself the freedom you need to escape from a difficult situation. Bucketload­s of hope are available today.

A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


Ration books were issued during the Second World War to ensure that food items were evenly distribute­d. Once you’d used up your weekly allowance for a certain item, you had to wait until the following week to get some more. In theory at least, money made no difference. Everyone had the right to the same amount. This concept continues to affect us long after the end of rationing. We tend to think that there’s only a limited supply of the things we like. You’re entitled to indulge in a pleasure today. A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


Courageous­ness is a wonderful attribute. So is cautiousne­ss. Yet the extremes of these qualities tend to lead to trouble. To achieve success, we need to find a balance between the two; which is more easily said than done. Experience teaches us that we need to take care and do what we can to avoid damaging ourselves. And when we find a successful path, we tend to stick with it rather than investigat­e new opportunit­ies. The time is right for you to move beyond what you know.

A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.

 ??  ?? Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702. Hi Oscar! My ruler is Saturn and my estranged partner’s ruler is Pluto. While they were both retrograde, hope of reconcilia­tion felt distant. When will they both be moving forwards again? Thanks Rebecca. Hi Rebecca, Pluto remains retrograde for a couple more weeks, but Saturn begins moving forward today. As they head towards a conjunctio­n in Capricorn early next year, they’ll start to work closely together. It brings hope and reconcilia­tion … a good sign for the planet, and, even if it’s not in the way you expect, for you too! Best Oscar
Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702. Hi Oscar! My ruler is Saturn and my estranged partner’s ruler is Pluto. While they were both retrograde, hope of reconcilia­tion felt distant. When will they both be moving forwards again? Thanks Rebecca. Hi Rebecca, Pluto remains retrograde for a couple more weeks, but Saturn begins moving forward today. As they head towards a conjunctio­n in Capricorn early next year, they’ll start to work closely together. It brings hope and reconcilia­tion … a good sign for the planet, and, even if it’s not in the way you expect, for you too! Best Oscar

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