The Gold Coast Bulletin

Letter of the Week


Have strong opinions, write in an engaging way? You could win our Letter of the Week, and with it a book from our friends and sponsors, the publishers HarperColl­ins. This month’s book prize is The Heart of the Cross by Emily Madden. From Ireland to Kings Cross, a legacy of loss and hope echoes across the generation­s. From the bestsellin­g author of The Fifth Letter comes a twisty, pacy, gripping new novel that explores the baggage we carry from our past relationsh­ips and asks how well can you ever really know someone.

Rules: Entries close each Thursday at 5pm AEST. The winner is selected by 2pm AEST each Friday. Book of the month valued up to $49 (incl. of GST). Entrants agree to the Competitio­n Terms and Conditions located at www.goldcoastb­­ent/competitio­ns, and our privacy policy. Entrants consent to their informatio­n being shared with HarperColl­ins for the express purpose of delivering prizes. Best letter competitio­n runs until January 23 next year. View our privacy policy at https://preference­

DEAR Hon Mark Bailey, in response to your letter (GCB 17/9).

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule responding to online comments. How can you compare the amount of work done between ALP 1989-2012 and 2015-2019 to the work carried out by the LNP in 2012-2015?

You can’t keep comparing 20plus years of continuing government to three years of a first-term government. Wasn’t light rail Stage 1 opened under the LNP and Stage 2 planned under the LNP? Roads are also state funded, you’re lucky you got anything from the feds.

Here’s an analogy to help you. I didn’t achieve much in my first three years of life, but in my other 20 years of life, at least I learnt how to budget money. The ALP has now spent so much money and pushed us so far into debt, you are begging for an Olympic Games to try to garner some money from the Federal Government to try build your precious light rail and Cross River Rail.

Maybe a little less responding to comments in the paper, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc and you might get some actual goverment work done.

IN response to Chatroom (GCB, 16/9) comment that “the climate change idiots will be left with millions and millions of solar panels because they are not biodegrada­ble”.

He’s right, they are not biodegrada­ble, but you can recycle 99.9 per cent of them. So there is no need for millions and millions of holes to bury them in, unlike the waste created by fossil fuels.

AT this time we are in the middle of a bushfire crisis where Gold Coasters and the wildlife have suffered in many ways and it shows no signs of ending.

This weekend sees the start of the school holidays. On Friday, many parents will keep their children home or collect them early from school so they can get away on holidays. Many will finish work early so they get an early start on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.

However, this year, despite all that is happening to our state, protest groups intend to disrupt those who work in Brisbane and disrupt the centre of the Gold Coast for the sake of their selfish ideals.

At 12.30 on Friday these protesters will close down the Victoria Bridge in Brisbane for three hours

causing total traffic disruption to anyone trying to leave Brisbane city. On the Gold Coast they will close down Broadbeach from midday until 2pm, disrupting light rail and bus services, the Gold Coast Hwy and Surf Pde, parking at the surf club and in the streets.

Who are these protesters? University students using children who they have misled as a way to promote their beliefs. They are supported by Extinction Rebellion, anti-Adani and Gecko, with the assistance of the Queensland Greens.

These groups are encouragin­g children to ignore their parents and leave school and join them to create disruption to everyone, including their hard-working parents.

These people have no concern for what is happening on our doorstep, no respect for the firefighte­rs doing their best to keep us all safe, they have no worry about the thousands of koalas, kangaroos and other animals which have been injured or are suffering.

IT is obvious the so-called environmen­talists who prevent backburnin­g and clearing of scrub during the winter have no appreciati­on or understand­ing of the environmen­t.

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