The Gold Coast Bulletin



TEXT: 0416 905 148

Dutton’s world. As Dutton convenient­ly did not mention the 12 deaths in offshore detention and 4 deaths in onshore detention after years of suffering and neglect on his watch. Best we have them die slowly, that will show them we determine who comes here and how they leave.

Whatever your views regarding a cruise ship terminal on the GC please do not delude yourself that passengers arriving at Brisbane will travel to the GC to look and spend. Why would they? Would you? Wake up. Realist

How about the ungrateful homeless people demanding food be sent to a military school. They will be housed, fed, discipline­d, taught manners and responsibi­lity.

Fancy a Southport magistrate allowing a man who acted violent towards her and used all the filthy language he could think of while the magistrate just sat there copping a tirade of verbal abuse. With the tough judges and magistrate­s in our day, this idiot would have spent a lot of years in prison for his outburst. Today’s weak magistrate­s allow these violent idiots to abuse them and get away with it, at the commands of Annastacia who protects criminals. Bring on the election. Kevin, Nerang.

Double the 7-year sentence for attacking bus drivers? I can’t recall anyone getting any jail time, so double nothing is nothing. Stopping the free loaders would be a good start. Rocket

What a great story from Ken Wade (GCB, 16/9) who gave us a trip back into the past of the Southport days in the 50s-60s when all we did was have a lot of fun. As you wrote Ken, we Southport teenagers never saw the inside of the police station or the courthouse because we never broke any laws. You and I had a couple of dates but you ended up and married a nice girl Rhonda who was well liked around Southport. Thanks for the memories Ken. Kay S.

Beware. l found a tiny tick in my head over 4 weeks ago, had 2 lots of antibiotic­s. Still ongoing pain all over body; helped hubby cut up branch from shrub during bad wind, tick from there? Especially be wary of your animals. Ma

Lol, “proper planning”, as in a town plan that isn’t out of date as soon as it is released.

Re: fake plastic look. Good luck on wanting the neutral look to reappear I can’t see it happening in my lifetime not here. It’s a transient party town on the beach where most women not just females believe they need to look like

the “glamour crowd” they see in glossy magazines! Grow old disgracefu­lly. Kamm

Magistrate Joan White you’re kidding. Releasing a grub who stole a car and crashed it into a home where an innocent family slept. He was on parole for other offences. Fair dinkum, where’s the deterrent? These soft touch magistrate­s are way out of touch with community expectatio­ns.

Yesterday’s GCB tell us that new laws will have people who leave dogs in cars will face jail time and thousands of dollars in fines. Not on your sweet Nellie with our magistrate­s. They will be let out the front door as probably there will be no one at home to feed the poor things. Oldie.

What is happening to Gold Coast radio? No laughs for the morning run. Lucky we have Apple Music/CDs/tapes for the oldies.

Informatio­n revealed in a southern newspaper revealed that 72% of teenagers regarded by police as out of control and into crime, come from a single-parent environmen­t and no father in the home to hand down discipline. The big question on everybody’s lips is “why is there no father in the home”? Every child needs a father as well as a mother and it’s about time these outrageous feminists got it through their heads. Children don’t have the privilege of choosing their parents at birth, they are simply stuck with whoever they get, and in many cases druggie mothers who should be sterilised by law to prevent any more children being born into poverty. KenW.

Have a laugh every time some incompeten­t politician has the maximum penalty for an offence doubled from 7 to 14 years when no one has ever been sentenced to anywhere 7 years! What’s the use? Richard Gagie, Ormeau

Amusing! Photo of car in driveway also showed several other illegally parked vehicles. Did they also get tickets? Old Crock

New Delhi is making their city’s air cleaner by only allowing vehicles to be driven there every other day. Let’s hope it spreads worldwide.

Alice, retired teacher, and John Wade ... I’m one of those terrible attention seekers who regularly contribute to the Chatroom column in the Bulletin. I thought I would explain that for many of us obsessed characters in aged care facilities, it’s a great therapy to help pass away the twilight years. Sinbad

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