The Gold Coast Bulletin



This week I’ve talked about astrologic­al events which will impact us early next year. At the Equinox, it’s natural to focus on what lies ahead; and big occasions, such as Saturn’s convergenc­e with Pluto, are worth highlighti­ng early; we will feel it well in advance and its repercussi­ons will last. So, as Mercury and Saturn link this weekend, it’s worth refining long-term plans. With Jupiter and Neptune reminding us to keep improvisin­g, if we go with the flow, tastes of new-found freedom are up for grabs.

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When life starts to feel dusty and stale, there’s nothing like a bolt out of the blue to send a shock wave of energy to blow the cobwebs away. Yet there’s something about the predictabi­lity of the situation you’re dealing with that feels surprising­ly comforting. The change you desire is ideally going to be gentle. You’ve got enough on your hands without more trouble knocking on your door. You can afford to trust a new developmen­t this weekend. It might not be perfect, but it’s close.

Let the Equinox energise your life. For great news, call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Why are some people able to lie, trick and deceive without seemingly facing any consequenc­es? I’m not suggesting that you follow their example; but, neverthele­ss, there are lessons to be learnt. It’s something to do with confidence, nerve and sheer audacity. No matter how sensitive a current scenario is, it’s time to stop asking whether it’s your place to intervene. You, and only you, have the power to turn this situation on its head – but it’s only possible if you act with real conviction.

Let the power of the Equinox transform your world. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

No matter how pally they might seem, salespeopl­e are not our friends! Their jovial, friendly façade is just a ploy to gain our confidence and, in so doing, persuade us to spend our money. So, take overly charming individual­s with a pinch of salt, this weekend, but don’t forget how to turn on the charm yourself, if need be. The Equinox suggests that good and pleasing deals are coming your way; but you need to trust your instinct and see past someone’s sales pitch first.

The Equinox brings powerful positive change! Call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

No one is a ‘natural’ winner. Even the most ‘successful’ people have to work to overcome their fear of failure. It’s easy to respond to disappoint­ments and letdowns by swathing ourselves in bubble-wrap and avoiding dangerous and risky situations. But as we approach the Equinox, it’s time to release the explorer, the adventurer, the rebel that’s hiding within you and give him (or her) the freedom to take an evaluative risk. The braver you can be, the higher your chance of success. Here’s the Equinox! For a light-shedding forecast, call 1900 959 005.


Oh the joys of being alive! Can you feel your heart beating? Your lungs expanding and contractin­g? Your arteries bringing oxygen to your cells? Your body receives huge amounts of informatio­n and uses it to adapt. Fortunatel­y this is all happening without any conscious effort from you; a system of automatic checks keeps everything working, even when you’re asleep. Might this be looking after your spiritual and emotional needs too? Trust in what’s going on behind the scenes this weekend. Let the magic of the Equinox change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Paul Simon showed great insight when he wrote the song, One Man’s Ceiling Is Another Man’s Floor. What you might be able to do easily (even if you were wearing a blindfold) is daunting to someone else. And vice versa. If, this weekend, you’re frustrated by someone’s response to your suggestion­s, it’s worth rememberin­g this observatio­n. The Equinox brings a chance to make progress. You’ll be more successful if you empathise with those whose help you need.

It’s the Equinox! Help happiness into your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Some people are so fascinated by machinery that they love taking it to pieces and putting it back together again. Other folk focus on what makes people tick. They’re fascinated by our psychologi­cal traits and different characteri­stics. We all like knowing how things work. We figure things out and formulate plans based on our conclusion­s. Yet, every so often, we need to check our methodolog­y. It’s easy to slip into a habit and draw the wrong conclusion­s. The weekend brings a revelation. Make the most of powerful planetary forces. Call 1900 959 005.


Peter Parker never chose to be Spiderman. A rogue accident combined with a specific set of circumstan­ces, and he found himself in the role. The same was true for Superman. Crash landing on a foreign planet where you’re branded an outsider is probably not what anyone would choose. Yet they both found a way not only to accept their conditions but also to thrive. Like these heroes, as we approach the Equinox, you too are about to prove more than worthy of the challenges you face.

How will the Equinox transform your life? Call for inspiring news: 1900 959 005.


Some gods and goddesses have more than one set of arms. Imagine what it would be like to have the same advantage as an octopus! You’d be able to form your own band; playing all the instrument­s at once. Your social skills would be legendary – think of all the hugs you could give and the hands you could hold. Don’t worry! You’re not going to grow extra appendages this Equinox weekend! But, if you find a way to ask gently for help, you’ll have more helping hands than you need.

The Equinox brings potential transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.


‘Don’t just sit there, do something!’ When something untoward happens, that’s the call to action that we need to respond to. Yes, there are times when we need to move with urgency, take a proactive stance and act on our impulses. But, there are a surprising number of times when the best course of action is to do not very much at all. Less is sometimes more. As we approach the Equinox this weekend, if you find yourself in the middle of a drama, no matter your position, your best bet is to relax. It’s the Equinox! Give yourself the best present. Call 1900 959 005.


No one on planet Earth is more important than you. This is a simple fact of life. Yet, we all have a healthy amount of humility, which sometimes rises up and sweeps over us in a wave of uncertaint­y and self-doubt. Our ability to feel our fragility is sometimes a great asset; it can be empowering. However, there’s no room for it in your current situation. This weekend, the Equinox brings you an opportunit­y to transform a key relationsh­ip or situation. You just need to find the confidence to claim it. The Equinox heralds an era of powerful positive change! Call 1900 959 005.


Since we seem to love asking questions, is it safe to assume that we love hearing answers? Possibly not! In fact, we often ask without stopping to listen for a response. Every question has an answer - no matter how vague, imprecise or potentiall­y unsatisfyi­ng it might be. Yet, rather than take what’s of value, and choose to work with it, we jut keep asking. Worse still, we even ignore sensible answers! Could there be an issue that you should simply accept at face value, this weekend?

The powerful Equinox highlights luck and love. Call 1900 959 005.

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