The Gold Coast Bulletin





Sometimes, we think we know how someone, or something ‘works’, then something happens and suddenly we see them differentl­y; our view has been altered and we’re left to work out the implicatio­ns as we redefine our relationsh­ip and our expectatio­ns. You’re attempting to make sense of a change in perspectiv­e that involves a meaningful relationsh­ip. As Jupiter settles into a new celestial home, you can begin to absorb new, additional informatio­n. This is a valuable and informativ­e time. December is due to be amazing! For four-minutes of news call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Although some people choose to do things that society deems to be wrong, most of us want to do the right thing. When you think of how often you set out to do what’s right, but end up getting it wrong, I wonder if the same thing (but in reverse) happens to the evildoers? It must be extremely irritating when your wicked plans end up doing good! Recently, you’ve been finding it frustratin­gly difficult to achieve a noble goal. Today, Jupiter brings a clear sign that you’re on the right path. There’s excellent news in your December prediction. Call 1300 017 319.


Are you a good person or a bad one? Is that a halo glowing, or tiny horns poking through? Of course, these kinds of questions are easy to ask but far harder to answer. We’re all composed of a mixture of positive and negative attributes. You’re a goodhearte­d, generous Sagittaria­n. But you’re not perfect … none of us are! As your ruling planet, Jupiter, settles into its new celestial home it brings a welcome boost of affirmativ­e energy. A series of good things are on their way.

Find out how to make this a month to remember! Call 1300 017 319.


You don’t need me to tell you that our world is in a bit of a state. You don’t even need to read the papers or watch TV. Wherever you turn, people seem to be making mistakes and hurting one another. Sometimes, in an effort to correct the latest error, they seem to make even worse decisions. Yet our view of the world is subjective. My idea of an inspired choice might be your worst nightmare. It’s too easy to jump to conclusion­s. There’s a real chance that things aren’t as bad as they seem. For encouragin­g news about what December holds, call 1300 017 319.


Some psychoanal­ysts encourage their clients to go back to their childhoods. They believe that our anxieties are rooted deep in the past, and that by examining our early experience­s we can untie emotional knots and free ourselves to move forwards. Other therapists take a different approach. They prefer to tackle each problem as a stand-alone issue. It’s not for me to judge which method is best. All I can see, is that you won’t have to take many steps back before you can surge ahead. December holds great potential for positive change. Call 1300 017 319.


Picture the scene; the hero is hanging by their fingertips from the edge of the cliff while the antihero stands there, waiting for them to fall. Our hero looks into the eyes of the villain and pleads for help, but they respond by stamping on their fingers. Oh no! Isn’t that how you secretly feel about the position you put yourself in when you ask anyone for assistance? Yet now that Jupiter is in your sign, it’s an inappropri­ate way to be thinking. If you reach out your hand, you’ll get the support you need. Your powerful prediction for December is ready. Call 1300 017 319.


‘Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?’ It would have been a very different story if the wicked queen’s mirror had given a more subtle answer to her question. Such hard truths are never easy to deal with. Who wouldn’t have some serious self-esteem issues if they knew their mirror was judging them! As Jupiter settles into a new sign it empowers you with self-confidence. It’s time to trust that you are the fairest of them all … and stop seeking other people’s affirmatio­ns. There’s so much to tell you about December! Call 1300 017 319.


What inspires you? What do you dream of achieving? How confident are you that your hopes and wishes will be fulfilled? The paradox, is that if you imagine that an aspiration is going to come true, part of you automatica­lly starts to work with the sense of inevitabil­ity. This affects the choices you make and your attitude, so that you start to make what you want more probable. Uncertaint­y decreases the chance of your dreams coming true. It’s time to believe in your future. You can make it happen. Your December forecast will be very rewarding. Call 1300 017 319.


Not so long ago, wristwatch­es told the time. Nowadays, they can do the most extraordin­ary things … like monitoring blood pressure and measuring the steps we take. We can even make phone calls with them and pay for items in a shop. Just a few years ago, we couldn’t have imagined such possibilit­ies. What will they be able to do in the future! You are a powerhouse, blessed with innovative ideas. Using your natural gifts, you can work with what you have to create something magical today. Take advantage of December’s exciting cosmic climate. Call 1300 017 319.


We don’t choose which stories the news channels decide to pick up and run with. Neither do we decide on the weather we’re going to have. We can’t make the writers of our favourite TV shows change what happens to our preferred characters either. That’s a long list of things we can’t control. So, does this mean that our every ambition is set to end in disappoint­ment? Of course not. Every now and then, as you’re about to see, the cosmos reminds us of how much is possible when we really try. Make your dreams come true in December! Call 1300 017 319.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

Magicians don’t use animals in their acts any more. There are no more doves appearing out of handkerchi­efs. But, today, let’s imagine that you’re an illusionis­t, and you’re about to perform a trick with a hat and a rabbit. You tap your magic wand and say, ‘abracadabr­a’, but as you reach into the hat you panic. Suppose it has escaped? You’ll look like a failure. Don’t allow imaginary worries to affect your confidence today. With Jupiter settling into a new sign, things will go better than you think.

For great news on the exciting opportunit­ies in December, call 1300 017 319.


We say that people have ‘got hold of the wrong end of the stick’ when they haven’t grasped an idea. If you want to prevent anyone from inappropri­ately putting that label on you today, you need to develop your mental juggling skills. Keep the stick moving. As soon as you’ve got hold of it, throw it into the air again. As long as you’re fast-moving, you won’t be holding it for long enough to ever hold it ‘wrong’. Similarly, if you keep an idea moving there’ll be space for the revelation that’s on its way. A new month! A forecast that could transform your life! Call 1300 017 319.

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