The Gold Coast Bulletin



Hi Oscar, Although Mercury has been moving forward since November 20, it doesn’t leave its ‘shadow’ until the weekend. Does that mean we need to wait for the tide to turn? Bhakti. Hi Bhakti, The turning of the tide is hard to pinpoint. It’s a process that ebbs and flows; and even once it has turned, the ocean waves take time to come back up the shore. Mercury is helping us to solve persistent problems. As it leaves the ‘shadow’ it will enable us to leave those problems behind and move on. Yours Oscar

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‘Business is business’ is one of those sayings that gives us permission to behave in selfish and ugly ways. ‘All’s fair in love and war’ is another. These expression­s just excuse inconsider­ate behaviour; if we follow these sentiments we’re not working for the common good. We’re using power to justify doing and saying things that have no justificat­ion. Following the link between your ruler and Venus, you have an opportunit­y to set a positive precedent and show someone a collaborat­ive way to work. There’s so much to tell you about December! Call 1300 017 319


The past is behind us and the future lies ahead. I know this sounds obvious, yet I suspect I know which direction is currently holding your attention. Looking at the past has a funny way of warping our perspectiv­e of the present. Somehow it can become a reflection of our future. There’s no need for your past to repeat itself. Nor is there any reason to suspect that this might happen. As you head into your future, look for positivity and success. Then you’ll know you’re heading in the right direction. Make your dreams come true in December! Call 1300 017 319


When you can see something, you can understand it… and when something isn’t right before our eyes, we can only imagine it. We believe in what we ‘know’. Then, when we feel confident that we ‘know’ something, we cleverly set up a kind of psychologi­cal feedback loop which reinforces what we believe. Then, we know what we believe. And before you know it we know what we believe we know. It quickly becomes a repetitive loop! As Mercury prepares to change signs, you can break that cycle. There’s excellent news in your December prediction. Call 1300 017 319


We think that we can only push our luck a certain amount before we’ve pushed it ‘too far’. We’re concerned that if we demand too much from the cosmos, or have high expectatio­ns, that we’ll end up disappoint­ed. Yet luck is a bit like a kid on a swing. It loves to be pushed! In fact, if it’s left to its own devices for too long, it tends to get into trouble. Without pushing past anyone to get to the top of the slide, you have the courage to be confident today. You can push your luck further than you think. December holds great potential for positive change. Call 1300 017 319

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Strength isn’t a quality you need to acquire; you’re already strong enough. Nor do you need to be weaker; you’re a sensitive soul at heart. Yet there’s an adjustment to be made in the balance between feeling confident and being humble. A key person desperatel­y wants to tell you something. Yet they feel as if you’re too busy, or too occupied by someone else. Today, if you can find the time and listen tactfully, without taking any critique personally, you’ll gain valuable knowledge. Your December forecast will be very rewarding. Call 1300 017 319


True profession­als understand the art of making difficult things look easy. They make sure that they’ve done their homework. They take time to check that everything is prepared and in place. They rehearse and run through procedures beforehand. That’s why they’re able to exude an air of quiet confidence at times that other people find stressful. I mention this because, as a pragmatic Virgo, you know the benefits of hard work. You know what you need to do to make a miracle possible. For great news on the exciting opportunit­ies in December, call 1300 017 319


Surely it’s not possible to go through life avoiding those moments when we discover an aspect of ourselves that needs to be worked on? Well… some people steer clear of situations that reveal difficult home truths by sticking to an attitude of ‘nothing being their fault’, and blaming everything and everyone else for any problems. Even though you’re not afraid to face your imperfecti­ons, there’s an issue in your world that you might need to take more responsibi­lity for today. Find out how to make this a month to remember! Call 1300 017 319


The past is not our enemy. Nor, however, is it our best friend. And we’d be wise to be discrimina­ting about how much time we spend there, and reconsider how much significan­ce we attribute to it. If you’re being pursued by a nagging feeling doubt, or are unable to shake an issue from your mind, you need to decide whether you’re going to embrace it and let it into your life, or eradicate it entirely. The choice is yours. You, and only you can decide on what’s possible, today. Hold on to that. Your powerful prediction for December is ready. Call 1300 017 319


People more philosophi­cally minded than me have tried to explain the phrase ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it’. The general consensus seems to be that it’s a way of explaining that resources are finite. You can make use of them today, but they won’t be available to you at a later time, when you might, potentiall­y, be in greater need of them. I mention this because it’s simply not the case for you right now. You really can have it all ways. Enjoy eating metaphoric­al cake today! Take advantage of December’s exciting cosmic climate. Call 1300 017 319


Would you mind explaining what you want? It’s funny how there are times when you can be powerfully clear and direct, and others when you can be surprising­ly vague and wary. There are some things you’d do anything not to discuss, and some scenarios that you avoid being in. Since you’ve been taken out of your comfort zone recently, it’s no wonder you want to get back there as soon as you can. Yet, first, you need to set something right. By following your instincts, you’ll know what to do. A new month! A forecast that could transform your life! Call 1300 017 319


How valuable are you? I’m not talking about the amount in your bank account, or the sum total of your assets. The cosmic accountant doesn’t have any interest in monetary valuations. Everything financial is based on a set of mortal principles. Just because humans have decided that a certain level of affluence brings a certain level of status, on a deeper level we understand that true value is revealed by virtues such as authentici­ty and integrity. You’re worth a lot more than you think. December is due to be amazing! For four-minutes of news call 1300 017 319


Human beings are easily frustrated. Although we like to think of ourselves as polite, relaxed, restrained types, sooner or later something will fill us with unquenchab­le, inextingui­shable rage. As soon as our emotions are running high, we’re prone to making spur-of-the-moment decisions with little thought for the consequenc­es. You’ve been gifted a rare opportunit­y to back down from an overzealou­s and under-considered choice. Don’t let pride obscure a chance for healing and forgivenes­s. For encouragin­g news about what December holds, call 1300 017 319

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