The Gold Coast Bulletin

Bid to ‘overturn poll’

Trump team goes on the offensive in impeachmen­t opening


PRESIDENT Donald Trump’s lawyers have mounted an aggressive defence of his actions during opening arguments at his impeachmen­t trial.

Slamming the process as politicall­y motivated, White House counsel Pat Cipollone said Democratic prosecutor­s had hidden evidence during 22 hours of opening statements over the first three days of the trial. “We are going to confront them on the merits of their argument,” Mr Cipollone said.

“They have the burden of proof and they have not come close to meeting it. We intend to show you some of the evidence that they decided not to show you, and every time you see one of these pieces of evidence, ask yourself: why didn’t I see that in the last three days?

Why didn’t they (Democrats) show that to the Senate?”

The defence rebuttal also focused on a 2019 phone call central to the case, in which Democrats accuse Mr Trump of threatenin­g to withhold military aid unless Ukraine probed his political rival.

Prosecutor­s argue this conversati­on shows Mr Trump used his position to push for foreign interferen­ce in the 2020 election. The second article of impeachmen­t, obstructio­n of Congress, alleges Mr Trump tried to stymie investigat­ions into his dealings with newly installed Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Mr Trump’s defence told the Senate trial that Ukraine was not aware the aid was being withheld and that it had been paid. “We know there was no quid pro quo on the call, we know that from the transcript (of the July call),” Deputy White House counsel Michael Purpura said.

Mr Cipollone said in his opening argument: “They’re asking you not only to overturn the results of the last election, but as I’ve said before, they’re asking you to remove President Trump from an election that’s occurring in approximat­ely nine months.”

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