The Gold Coast Bulletin



I wanted to write something about the nature of change; how difficult yet necessary it is. But I’m keenly aware this isn’t exactly new informatio­n! And, although sometimes we need to be reminded of our strengths, and the cyclic nature of life, I don’t want to harp on about something that’s patently obvious. But it is worth pointing out that, thanks to Uranus’ links with Venus and Mercury today, although change won’t feel easy, an ingenious answer to a tricky question can be found.

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Although you’re feeling as if you’ve been boxed in by a restrictin­g situation or relationsh­ip, there’s a great deal of potential opening up to you. Celestial assistance is on hand; all you have to do is ask; and the cosmos will do everything it can to come to the rescue. And, since it doesn’t even think about whether you’re worthy of help or not, there’s no excuse! Rather than feel as if you don’t merit a chance to escape from this feeling of inertia, seize any chances that come your way today.

Make 2020 great! For insight in affairs of the heart, call 1300 017 319. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

I like to imagine that somewhere, hidden behind a pile of dusty old tomes, is a professor who has committed their life to discoverin­g the answer to one of the most perplexing conundrums; why did the chicken cross the road? Do these birds like dodging traffic? What kind of road surface do they like best? Surely someone must be close to knowing the answer? Meanwhile, you don’t need to bother waiting for informatio­n today. It’s not as important as you think.

Make 2020 great! For insight in affairs of the heart, call 1300 017 319. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

I heard a good line at a stand-up gig recently. ‘Nostalgia, isn’t what it used to be’. Well it made me laugh! Yet the truth, is that ever since the first humans arrived on planet Earth, we’ve looked wistfully back at the past and wondered why things aren’t as good as they used to be. Memories can get in the way of happiness. As can looking back and blaming a past experience for our current inability to enjoy what’s going on. Don’t let either of these stop you from enjoying life today.

Make 2020 great! For insight in affairs of the heart, call 1300 017 319. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

History, as we know, has a way of repeating itself. Much though we like to think that we won’t revisit our past mistakes, we humans have an irritating ability of not learning from the past. Yet, it doesn’t have to be this way. If a source of trouble in your world seems to be rearing its head once more, you have a choice. It might be tough. It might take courage. But, if you’re prepared to take an important lesson on the chin, you have the power to break a cycle and liberate yourself once and for all. For important news about romance and money, call 1300 017 319.


We all suffer from moments of what our nearest and dearest term ‘selective memory loss’. If someone’s news or opinion pleases us, we concentrat­e and carefully try to record each nugget of informatio­n in our minds. Ironically, we do the same thing with statements that upset us. Yet, plain and simple truth often gets disregarde­d. Somewhere, in your world, valuable advice is going unheeded. Listen to the folk around you today. Hear what they have to say. Then make your decision.

For important news about romance and money, call 1300 017 319.


It sometimes seems as if the resolution of one conflict creates another. It strikes me, that it’s a bit like ironing – which is something I’ve always struggled with. By the time I’ve managed to perfect one side, I’ve somehow ironed creases into the other side. Once I’ve got rid of those, I turn it over to realise … well, you get where I’m going with this! Most likely, you can even think of a solution. All I’m trying to say is that it’s possible to put a stop to a cycle of negativity today. You have the answer you need. For important news about romance and money, call 1300 017 319.


Being the sign of the twins, you’re very aware of the fact that life would be much easier if you could be in two places at the same time. But, since that’s not possible, you’re going to have to decide where you want to be today. And, once you’ve made that decision, you need to stick with it. Being in one place, while secretly wishing you were somewhere else isn’t conducive to a healthy, happy life. It’s not good to spread yourself too thinly either. It’s time to make a decision, and commit to it. Make 2020 the year when you change your life! Call 1300 017 319.


If you’re just popping to the shop on the corner, you’re unlikely to wear the same clothes that you’d wear if you were going out to eat in an expensive restaurant. We don’t apply different principles to different situations because we want to fulfil other people’s expectatio­ns either. We do it to satisfy our own sense of ‘rightness’. We feel more able to face the world if we’re dressed appropriat­ely. Our attitudes have a similar effect. If yours doesn’t suit the moment, it’s time to change it.

Make 2020 the year when you change your life! Call 1300 017 319.


Even though you’re unable to transport yourself to wherever you want with just a click of your fingers, the limit on what you can (or can’t) do, is less restrictin­g than you think. Today, with Uranus adding to the celestial mix, it’s time to take another look at what’s possible. As long as you commit yourself, and are prepared to make a steady effort, there’s very little you can’t achieve. In fact, your biggest obstacle is your doubt about the amount of success you deserve. The sky is the limit!

Make 2020 the year when you change your life! Call 1300 017 319.


People used to say that walls had ears. But nowadays, when whistleblo­wers make headline news, we know that it’s not just walls, but ceilings, computers and who knows what else too. Some of those ears are deployed in the service of truth, justice and equality. Others, well … you don’t need me to tell you. Fortunatel­y, your right to a private life is not under any form of threat today. All you need to guard against is your own tendency to see imaginary threats wherever you turn. Relax! Your prediction­s about romance and finance are ready! Call 1300 017 319.


You’re blessed with a vivid imaginatio­n. That’s why there are so many options available. Yet your gift has a downside; and it’s affecting your judgment right now. Even though you’re right to be unimpresse­d by someone’s behaviour, creatively finding ways to excuse them is allowing an unsatisfac­tory situation to continue. Today, innovative Uranus offers an inventive way of dealing with a source of frustratio­n. If you find a way to express yourself, the problem will almost magically be resolved.

Your prediction­s about romance and finance are ready! Call 1300 017 319.


Imagine this. You’re walking along, minding your own business, when someone suddenly thrusts an envelope of money into your hand, and disappears from view. Have all your Christmase­s come at once? Or are you suddenly caught in the middle of a drama? Could the cash be stolen? Suppose the police are involved? Or maybe you were simply in the right place at the right time. Either way, try to extricate yourself from a situation over which you have neither understand­ing nor control today. Your prediction­s about romance and finance are ready! Call 1300 017 319.

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