The Gold Coast Bulletin



HOW to ensure that you never get invited back by a mega-rich chap to his private home. Having accepted the invite, this Alpine social climber was pleased to see so many guests that she considered to be ‘her kind of people’. Then she noticed a young woman, scruffily dressed, and, quelle horreur, sitting at her table. Immediatel­y she marched over to the host and demanded that this awful creature be shifted. The host, cool as can be, explained that it was his daughter who had just returned from overseas and due to a flight mix-up had been 36 hours in transit. Oops!

HAVING taken possession of a set of Bluetooth ear pieces for her mobile phone, this likely lass got it all set up and was enjoying the hands-free feature. One day she was out for dinner with friends and left her phone on the table while she went to the rest room. Suddenly she heard a familiar male voice in her ear talking intimately to an unknown female and organising a liaison later that night. When she returned she immediatel­y realised that the voice belonged to one of the men at her table. It seems that upon seeing her unattended phone he took the opportunit­y to make a quick call so that his ever loving wife wouldn’t see a strange number in his phone. Eavesdropp­ing in a modern world.

ONE among us is not a huge fan of her wedding vows. In particular the part that goes ‘in sickness and in health’. The health part is fine but all bets were off when her mega rich hubby caught something as boring as a virus. The prognosis was that he would be bed ridden for a few months. She thought he was being inconsider­ate expecting her to hang around so she took off on a deluxe holiday to an exotic location. Her version of the vows is ‘in health and in wealth’.

BACK from his annual holidays this manager was feeling refreshed, revitalise­d and eager to get back into the swing of things with his devoted staff. However there was one in the crew not quite as devoted as the rest. It seems while he was away an underling had seen an opportunit­y to impress those higher up the food chain and has been lobbying for a regime change. Tall tales, all completely untrue, had been told dishing dirt on his managerial style and hinting at nefarious behaviour. How does he know? Because those who were loyal to him had been quietly watching the treachery and couldn’t wait to sing like canaries about the viper in their midst.

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