The Gold Coast Bulletin



TEXT: 0416 905 148

I’M not affiliated with any political party, but I can’t understand why we wouldn’t finish the light rail. It’s only half done. That’s like buying a new car with no engine and two wheels. It might cause headaches while being built, but once it’s completed, you’ll be glad it connects all along the Coast. BP.

Seventy years ago, everyone here was eating T-bone steak & eggs or mixed grill for every meal. The arrival of the European migrants opened up a new invigorati­ng list of exotic tasty cuisine, putting a new meaning to a square meal. However, you can watch MKR for the entire series, and never learn a thing about cooking. Sinbad.

After 35 years of operating my business from the Southport CBD I am closing it and moving away. The drug problem, the mental health problem, the crime, the bad insulting language, the awful look of so many homeless everywhere is an absolute disgrace.

Qld parliament should have a week of sittings at Broadbeach State School starting 2nd March. Air-con would be there on the 3rd. Johnbrew

Why are so many women candidates in politics these days, where are all the men, hiding under the bed? Being a woman myself and a hater of feminism I simply can’t believe what’s wrong with our men in this country, they are just sitting back and letting the females take over and rule their lives. I have never had any faith in female politician­s so come on men climb out from under the bed and be a real man like my late husband was. I want to know why there are no men running for seat of Currumbin when there are 2 female candidates who know bugger all about politics and would be more useful in the home kitchen. Elaine, an old farmer’s wife, Currumbin.

Nancy Pelosi wasn’t ripping up Trump’s speech she was ripping up her last chance to become President … which was what all the impeachmen­t saga was really all about. Doug

The homeless drug problem is rampant around Gold Coast. I was asked how can they afford drugs? Well, they don’t pay any rent, then charities feed them, orange van does their washing, they have people giving them free haircuts, cheap or free clothes. No wonder they can afford mobile phones and drugs. I say good luck to them BUT do they have to leave their rubbish and dirty needles around our parks where kids play.

I’m lucky I am able to record TV programs and fast forward

ads. I watched a free to air documentar­y that had 4 minute ads every 7 minutes. Barney

I think it’s incredible that after just three weeks of coronaviru­s the tourism industry is calling out for assistance. Our farmers have been in drought for up to six years with many of them going to the wall and nothing was done to help them until late last year! Joan

Poor little children not having airconditi­oning in classrooms. No one had it in my day and we managed to get educated. Society is too soft and, no, I don’t have airconditi­oning in my home.

The “climate experts” said in December that there was not the slightest possibilit­y of significan­t rain in drought areas until April. When will all these idiots learn to keep their mouths shut? They haven’t been right once since 1980, but still the drivel rolls on & on. Bruce Cramond.

Chevron Island’s two single lane bridges can’t handle traffic now. Let alone with towers being built, which will bring more traffic. Ryan.

Tugun local who was wondering why two young mummies didn’t know what a papoose was? It’s because they don’t use them. Why would they? Do you know what a bumbo is? A swaddle?

Peter Scott (GCB, 6/2), we already have trackless trams. They’re called buses and they replaced trams decades ago because they were better in every way. Somehow we’ve forgotten the hard-earned lessons of our past. Shano

Sitting at the lights and from the car next to me the music was blaring, girl in car bopping up and down using her mobile takes off and without using blinker drives in front of me. Still using mobile. How much longer will she be around to be young and invincible. 2bee6

The population of Wuhan is 55M, the fatality rate from the Coronaviru­s is .0008% of that population, and just 5.2% of the total people infected and most have chronic illnesses already. The real problem here is the exacerbate­d reporting, false news as Donald Trump would call it. And one can’t help but wonder if he does have something to do with it. Why aren’t we hearing about the 10,000 people dead from Flu in America since October.

An ergo baby? A Joolz Hub? … no. I didn’t either until my Lorna Jane wearing beautiful mummy daughters had babies. I wish they were around in my day. Oh, and they are amazing mummas as are their friends. $5 coffee and all. Labrador local.

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