The Gold Coast Bulletin



AFTER an extra hot weekend and start to the week on the Tweed and Gold Coast we are now expecting a fresh dumping of rain to give the system another flush-out.

Looking to the future, the rain should set us up nicely as we transition into autumn.

Chasing a feed of reef fish has been a good option in the past week with some good consistent catches of snapper, moses, trag jew, tuskies and bonito coming from the 18 and 24 fathom reefs off the Gold Coast Seaway.

Ben White had a great trip last Saturday, nailing a monster snapper from the 24 fathom reef.

When looking for a spot to fish, keep an eye on the sounder for life whether it is bait fish or individual fish. Start a burley trail to attract the fish or switch them on to feed, I find the best method to fish is to float line.

For those not used to this method I use a set of three gang Mustad Tarpon 766 5/0 hooks with swivels between the hooks with the sinker sitting on top of the hooks which makes it free to run up and down the line.

When lowering the bait, hold your main line in your fingers and just drop it at a nice slow, steady rate which is a much more natural way to present a bait. Depending on current, just use a sinker big enough to let the bait fall slowly and hopefully you should get a hit on the way down.

Mud crabs are a great option to target after a bit of rain. This week has seen a little more activity which is good news. Coomera Houseboat Holidays customers managed to score a nice feed from the Coomera River.

Catches are a bit inconsiste­nt with a mixture of small and female crabs to pick through until you score some good sized bucks. Try the Coomera River both arms, Pimpama River, Logan River, Cabbage Tree Point, Tiger Mullet Channel, Cobby Passage, Jacobs Well, Canaipa Passage, The Neverfail Islands, Brown Island and Tweed River.

Trevally have been smashing bait schools in the Coomera River around River Links, West of the Highway Bride and Sanctuary Cove Arm of the river around jetties this week. Surface poppers and stick bait will work well. If the jacks are a bit quiet it’s good to know you have a chance to hook a hard-fighting trevally.

Smithy from Brad Smith Fishing Charters reports the Tweed River is back to its tranquil self again after the rush of boats and jet skis that were on the water during a very hot holiday season.

The dirty water was clearing up after the rain and the shallows are fishing well on the run-in tides for bream and whiting on surface lures, and there is the odd giant trevally around the shallows.

Fishing the deeper holes around the tide changes is producing a few flathead and jewies using vibes.

Clint reports the Gold Coast Broadwater is starting to fire up after the rain and the water is clearing. Schools of whiting and decent size tailor are feeding at the Southern end of the Broadwater. Look for birds diving and you’ll find the tailor and odd trevally. We are starting to catch more flathead too, and the squid are returning.

Hope you all have a good weekend and get out for a fish. If you have any great catches or photos you would like to share, please email us.

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