The Gold Coast Bulletin

Bash teens on probation


TWO teenagers have walked from court on probation orders after separate bashings – one on a homeless person and the second on a teen on a bus.

Neither incident is linked but both pleaded guilty in the Children’s Court at Southport yesterday.

The first teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was 16 when he stood by as his friend beat a homeless man in Surfers Paradise on April 10 last year.

While the homeless man was on the ground, the 16year-old grabbed his bags, taking all of the homeless man’s belongings, including clothes and toiletries.

The boy pleaded guilty to assault occasionin­g bodily harm and stealing.

Prosecutor Rana Aldas told the court the pair approached the homeless man and told him to get on the tram.

“They said don’t run or I will catch you,” she said.

When the homeless man tried to run the boys chased him, including across the tram tracks.

That is when one of the youths began to punch and kick the homeless man as he cowered near a water fountain.

The youth in court yesterday watched as the homeless man was beaten and then grabbed both of his bags and took off.

Judge Julie Dick sentenced him to six months probation.

“It’s a terrible thing to do to a homeless person,” she said.

Judge Dick noted the youth had returned to school where he had become involved in sport and music and was abstaining from alcohol.

In the second incident another teenager, who is now 18, beat a younger boy on a Gold Coast bus because the boy had reported the teen to police over another matter.

The teenager also threatened the boy in an attempt to steal his shoes.

He pleaded guilty in the Children’s Court at Southport yesterday to one count of attempted armed robbery.

Judge Dick sentenced him to 12 months probation.

Judge Dick said she was pleased to see the teen had given up alcohol and returned to school.

The court was told the youth had also landed a traineeshi­p with a State Government department.

Footage played to the court shows the victim sitting on a Gold Coast bus when the teenager and some friends sit down next to him. The pair converse for awhile.

Prosecutor Rana Aldas said: “The defendant asked whether he had snitched on the boys and then made demands for his shoes.”

No conviction was recorded.

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