The Gold Coast Bulletin




SCREEN time doesn’t have to be a dirty word in parenting parlance. In fact, experts say sharing a screen with your children, such as enjoying a movie night, turns screen time into quality family time that is not only fun but also a chance to bond and learn.

With Australian­s jumping onboard new streaming service Binge, we look at the benefits of families sharing screen time and how to do it right.

Parenting expert and raisingchi­ executive director Professor Julie Green said there were real benefits to shared screen time when it was part of a child’s balanced lifestyle.

“Healthy screen time is appropriat­e and safe when balanced with other activities such as physical play, playing outside, reading and creative play,” she said.

“Sharing screen time is an enjoyable thing to do together. It can help to build the relationsh­ip, helps children to get the most out of the activity and it also provides the opportunit­y to learn new things together.”


Prof Green said kids felt important when their parents took time to share a screen with them.

“Sharing screen time with children sends them the message that what is important to the child is also important to their parent, and this is very beneficial for children,” she said. “It says, ‘You are important to me’.”

Prof Green also said children were less likely to mindlessly watch a screen when joined by mum or dad.

“It can get children into the habit of thinking about what is on the screen rather than just passively watching it,” she said.

“Children benefit the most from screen time when parents watch and play with them and help their child to make connection­s between what they are playing or watching and their own life.”

It was also a chance to discuss the characters and issues they were seeing on screen.

“Sharing screen time can provide opportunit­ies to broach difficult topics such as bullying, relationsh­ips, drug use,” she said.

“It can also provide the stimulus to talk together about how characters behave toward each other in a favourite TV program; what is appropriat­e and respectful or safe behaviour, for example.”


Kids are not the only ones to benefit from family screen time, Prof Green said.

It is also a “learning opportunit­y” for parents.

“They can learn more about their kids interests, like why their child might love a particular show or game so much, and also some practical digital skills.”


Besides settling in together for a movie night or episode of a favourite television program, Prof Green said parents could try sharing games and online activities.

“There are many ways to share screen time, from learning about your child’s favourite online game to doing some online research on a topic of interest such as a new recipe for dinner,” she said.

“Play an ongoing game like Scrabble together or get active using technology by going for a walk or bike ride using a mapping app.”

Prof Green said it was important that what parents watched with their kids was suitable, including for their age.

“Good quality media can enhance children’s learning, especially if it ties in with their interests or supports what they are learning at school.”

She said that while each family would have to fit shared screen time into their different routines, the key was “finding a mutually suitable time when everyone is relaxed and can enjoy the experience”.

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