The Gold Coast Bulletin



We’ve spoken about carrots and sticks and the ways we’re motivated. After Uranus’ gentle encouragem­ent, Mars forms a challengin­g alignment with the combined powers of Pluto and Jupiter. Although we won’t be cruising in the comfort zone, today brings affirmatio­n that it’s through facing our fears that we grow strong enough to overcome them. Next week’s Lunar Eclipse channels much of its power through the red planet (Mars). To make the most of this we must explore tricky opportunit­ies.

Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.


Certain responses are evolutiona­rily ingrained in us. When presented with particular scenarios, we spring into action and it’s not until the adrenaline’s worn off that we wonder at the speed of our response. It’s natural and instinctiv­e. Although you should think carefully about a current issue, ask around and take advice. At the end of the day, the response lies within you. It’s part of your DNA. When push comes to shove, this weekend, don’t be afraid to rely on your instincts. They’ll see you right. Capture the energy of the powerful Solstice. Call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

It’s an interestin­g fact that we often allow inconseque­ntial issues to take up large amounts of our time and energy while overlookin­g the things that need our attention. It’s not always easy to prioritise. The voice of our own inner critic means that we’ll never know, with any certainty, whether we’re focusing on the ‘right’ thing or not. Yet we do have a facility that enables us to recognise when we’re wasting our time. This weekend, you’ll know what you need to focus on. Everything else can wait.

Let the warmth and power of the Solstice inspire you. Call 1300 017 319. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

Where’s your magic wand? Where’s your book of spells and your Latin invocation? Could you have popped them in your pointy hat and left them tucked away in your cauldron, which is discreetly hidden under the stairs? Whenever the restraints of ‘normal’ life call, you cast a quick forgetfuln­ess charm to ensure that, even under duress, you couldn’t possibly reveal their whereabout­s. Yet, even without your ‘magical parapherna­lia’, you’ve easily got what it takes to overcome this weekend’s challenge. June is exceptiona­l. The Solstice brings transforma­tion. Call 1300 017 319.


Why do we waste our breath advising one another when, for most of the time at least, our pearls of wisdom fall on deaf ears? Even people who seek help are often only doing it in a rhetorical way. This weekend, be a little cautious about listening to people who seem to think that they know what you should be doing. Be wary, too, of offering your opinions to others. As Mercury settles into a new celestial home, the right answers will naturally emerge; both within you and the people you care about. This month’s Solstice brings positive change! Call 1300 017 319.


As Mercury, your ruler, settles into a new celestial home, a new you is beginning to emerge. Whereas the old version might have viewed the situation you find yourself in this weekend with a sense of nervousnes­s, the new you is feeling emboldened. You’re more than ready to take a risk and, what’s more, you’ll be pleased with what you achieve if you do. You’re being offered a chance to feel rejuvenate­d and ready to embrace an opportunit­y that you might previously have turned down. Go for it. Use the power of the Solstice to change your life in June. Call 1300 017 319.


This weekend, all you need to focus on is doing the things you do best. If something doesn’t come naturally or if you need to think too hard about how you’re going to be able to pull it off, you can just let it go. You can save yourself the stress. Although there are times when it’s important to challenge yourself and push yourself to the limit of your abilities, there are other times when taking things easy is the best course of action. The path of least resistance leads towards a yellow brick road of opportunit­y. Give yourself the best Solstice present: four minutes of insight. Call 1300 017 319.


Once, only the elite could read and write. So, were the rest of the population unintellig­ent? Of course not; their intelligen­ce was expressed in different ways. ‘Witchcraft’. ‘Magic’. ‘Healers’. These were all terms used by the educated to dismiss what were, in fact, legitimate and alternativ­e ways of understand­ing the world. Aspirin, for example, comes from tree bark, a folkremedy for pain relief that has been handed down for generation­s. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know what’s right for you. It’s the Solstice month! It can transform your life. Call 1300 017 319.


‘Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth’. You don’t have to be religious to appreciate these words. Even committed atheists like the concept of fundamenta­l fairness expressed in this statement. The only thing missing is a time frame. How long are the meek supposed to wait? How do they prove their mildness? What happens if they have an assertive moment? If you need to put your foot down this weekend, don’t be afraid to do so! It’s important to say when enough is enough. The powerful Solstice can change your life for the better. Call 1300 017 319.


A major developmen­t in a longstandi­ng drama is on the cards. You’ve been chasing a particular dream for what feels like forever; waiting patiently for the chips to fall into place. This weekend, you’ll find out where you stand. An old roadblock is in the process of being dismantled. As the obstacle melts away you’ll be able to see how much progress you’ve made. Although the vista is different to the one you’d expected, it’s looking better than you thought. This is a good position to be in. Wonderful opportunit­ies as the Solstice energises your month. Call 1300 017 319.


Human beings enjoy making a fuss about things. Give us half a chance and we love to leap into action. We like to complain and moan, argue and get overexcite­d; it makes life interestin­g and gives us something to talk about. You can play that game this weekend. But you don’t need to. As Mercury settles into your sign it becomes more and more evident that much is fine as it is. Rather than engaging with a difficulty, try just ignoring it. Putting your head in the sand sometimes work wonders. There’s inspiring news in your Solstice month ahead forecast. Call 1300 017 319.


Keep your phone switched on this weekend. You need to be on alert and ready to answer just in case one of the scary orcs from Lord of the Rings calls. I’m kidding of course. Yet a part of you is on tenterhook­s. You’re expecting someone (or something) to make intrusive demands on your time that will prevent you taking the well-deserved rest you’ve been looking forward to. Yet, despite your fears, this is unlikely to happen … and even if it does, you can take steps to avoid having to respond. Maximise the Solstice energy available to you in June. Call 1300 017 319.


When someone calls you asking for your help with a problem, how do you respond? The chances are that even if you’re unable to give them what they needed, you’d act with considerat­ion and either try to offer them something to help, or point them in the direction of somebody else who might be able to come to their assistance. We often think that other people won’t be willing to show us such courtesy. If you ask for help this weekend, you’ll be delighted by the generosity of the response. The Solstice brings powerful change this month. Call 1300 017 319.

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