The Gold Coast Bulletin



Some things are self-evident; they don’t need explaining. Others seem easy to follow, but end up as confusing as government rules under lockdown! With the Sun and Neptune becoming intensely involved, the way ahead isn’t clear. But we just need to remember that backwards steps aren’t necessaril­y setbacks. Like waves breaking on shore, some moments pull us back before carrying us forwards. So, although there’s a natural flow to progress, we should remember its path is rarely linear.

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Although it might be logical to assume that anything illegal is also immoral, history is filled with people who challenged the law and improved it. It’s also worth noting that there are many immoral activities that should be illegal but are not. You’re facing a particular­ly perplexing predicamen­t, involving people you care about, and are unsure about which side to support. Since your intentions are honourable, you just need to remember that you must be able to live happily with any decision. This magical phase between eclipses heralds hope. Call 1300 017 319.


Some people see conspiraci­es everywhere they turn, combing the darkest depths of the internet in search of evidence and support for their latest theory. Nothing we say will convince them to see the light, and an attempt to do so is usually greeted with hostility. Though confusion might seem to be lurking around every corner today, that doesn’t mean it’s here to stay. Focus on the bigger picture, and you’ll find that the positives more than outweigh the negatives. Use the time between eclipses to transform your dreams. Call 1300 017 319.


Since human beings tend to be easily bored we often crave change more than we desire continuity. The trouble with this is that when the cosmos is trying to meet our needs, how is it supposed to know whether we want things to continue along a familiar track, or whether we want a bolt out of the blue to rock our boat on to a new course? What do you most want now? Would you prefer things to stay as they are, or do you want to create a fundamenta­l shift? Today, you have a choice. The time between eclipses brings potential for positive change! Call 1300 017 319.


When someone puts their foot down and says ‘no’, at least we know where we stand. A line has been drawn. We know that we need to go somewhere else for help. If someone says ‘yes’, on the other hand, that’s another kettle of fish. How sincere are they? Can we really depend on them to be there for us? Do they mean it? Or are they just trying to please? You need to assess carefully the value of someone’s support today. You need to know that they really are as good as their word.

How will this transition between eclipses transform your life? Call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

When you have self-belief about your ability to carry out a task, your chance of success is improved exponentia­lly. Yet, that kind of belief comes only with a positive sense of yourself. You need to think that you’re the right person, with the right skill set, in the right place, at the right time. You’re a Leo! You don’t need to doubt your abilities. Even if your confidence has taken a knock, you’re much bigger and more powerful than any issues that are making you feel small. Trust in yourself today. Be inspired in this magical time between eclipses. Call 1300 017 319.


Each and every day has the power to deliver hope, joy, love and inspiratio­n. So, why does it so seldom feel this way? Where, exactly, are we going wrong? Actually, that’s a dangerous road to go down. If we allow ourselves to wallow in doubt we end up straying even further from our path. Although we’re yet to unlock the secret to everlastin­g happiness, one thing’s for sure: it doesn’t lie in holding on to fear, doubts and insecuriti­es. Listen to your heart today, and do what’s right for you.

Use the power of the eclipses to change your life. Call 1300 017 319.


While certain people think you’re fantastic, others don’t just think it… they know it! Yet this might explain why they don’t always agree with you. Envy can make even the nicest people difficult. Someone who sees you in your true light, is trying to make themselves feel better by identifyin­g your faults. Since they’re struggling to do this, they’re getting crosser and crosser – and that’s making them hard for you to deal with. If you can be kind to someone who’s being difficult, your relationsh­ip will improve. This magical phase between eclipses heralds hope. Call 1300 017 319.


The worst has now passed and the light is about to shine in your world. But, unless you open your eyes and take it all in, how will you know when it’s here? If we’re anxiously shielding ourselves from darkness, we risk missing brilliantl­y bright opportunit­ies. Shooting stars, after all, can only be seen by night. Whatever you do, don’t close yourself off to the possibilit­ies of happiness, joy and love today. It’s important to keep your eyes and your heart open… you never know what you might find. Use the time between eclipses to transform your dreams. Call 1300 017 319.


What would the world be like without books of laws and rules for us to follow? If we didn’t have routines and patterns and tried and tested principles to apply repeatedly, how straightfo­rward would life be? Fortunatel­y, many of our habits and lifestyle choices were made so long ago we don’t need to give them more than a passing thought. But there are times when we need to stand back, assess a situation and stop and think about what we’re doing. You have a chance to do that today. The time between eclipses brings potential for positive change! Call 1300 017 319.


In some places in the world, activities we consider to be unthinkabl­y wrong are tolerated and legal, whilst others, which we view as being acceptable, are subject to punishment­s. So, the laws of the land; that we are bound to adhere to, are governed by where we are rather than by our own moral thinking. Does that mean that our personal choices should be led by individual conscience? In your world, if you find yourself impaled on the horns of an ethical dilemma, follow your moral code. How will this transition between eclipses transform your life? Call 1300 017 319.


Just because we love to communicat­e with one another, and chat and talk all the time, doesn’t guarantee that understand­ing is being reached. Most of our conversati­ons are bright and breezy. Although we share informatio­n about this and that, how often do we make a conscious effort to talk about what we’re really feeling? You now have a chance to deepen a relationsh­ip. Whether or not this is connected to your heart, a more honest and constructi­ve understand­ing is starting to develop. Be inspired in this magical time between eclipses. Call 1300 017 319.


There are three types of people. Those who borrow and repay promptly. Those who borrow knowing they’ll never try to repay their debts, and those who wouldn’t consider borrowing anything - even if they could repay. The same divide applies to emotional as well as financial predicamen­ts. For people like you, who pride themselves on their supportive capabiliti­es, it can be difficult to ask for help when you need it. But you’re not a burden. Ask, and you’ll be delighted by the offers of support you receive. Use the power of the eclipses to change your life. Call 1300 017 319.

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