The Gold Coast Bulletin



WRITE TO: P0 Box 1, Southport, 4215 EMAIL: FACEBOOK:­ulletin

ISN’T it about time this country weaned itself off England and these questionab­le gongs?

Tony Abbott’s effort should have Australian­s in uproar but alas there is little chance that will not happen in my remaining years.


MILLIONS of people around the world who possess wisdom are questionin­g the mentality of these hundreds of thousands of US rioters acting like wild animals torching buildings, cars, looting and attacking police, and not realising there have been 110,000 coronaviru­s deaths in the US, and an enormously high chance of introducin­g a second deadly wave.

These out-of-control riots have been caused by Afro-Americans over the death of George Floyd, and have made him appear as a saint, yet they convenient­ly remained silent when a black policeman shot dead our Australian girl Justine Damond in Minnesota when she rushed out of the house in terror to greet the police after she had called 911 in regards to an intruder.

However, the wise ones in our country are also questionin­g the mentality of the thousands of irresponsi­ble Australian­s who staged mass demonstrat­ions in our big cities over the weekend including Brisbane, whose Premier blatantly refuses to reopen the border, yet had the audacity and irresponsi­bility to allow an army of protesters to march shoulder to shoulder.

With thousands of small businesses going to the wall and the tourist and hospitalit­y industry facing a major disaster caused by this blatant refusal to reopen the border, it’s about time the Queensland Governor stepped in and declared a state of emergency and give the Premier the option of either opening the border, or bring the October election forward ASAP.


WHILE watching our nightly TV news I was horrified at the outrageous, copycat behaviour of so many young folk all full of moans re: police and justice authoritie­s in this wonderful country.

Having had a son in the police force and hearing the abuse, outrageous and awful rubbish the wonderful police have to put up with, all I can say is thank God for the police as our protectors and safety officers for us all.

The protesters have every right to walk and complain but compared to hundreds of countries around the world we are all living in paradise in this fabulous country. We have laws to keep to and thank goodness for them. The protesters are all screaming about rights – well if we all have clean slates why complain?

We have had nearly six months of drought, fires, coronaviru­s, and the government is working hard to keep folks well looked after and now we have protests and complaints. All I would like to say is go and live in the Middle East or the USA and see how happy you will be.

Thankyou from an elderly old girl who is more than happy with my life and not full of moans and groans like some folk.


REGARDING COVID-19 restrictio­ns – I agree with Ms Nuccia Fusco, I further believe that Ms Nuccia Fusco’s statement reflects the opinion of business and most people on the Gold Coast.

If the government wants to maintain closure please move the border to Brisbane, and leave the Gold Coast alone.


MINNEAPOLI­S police in the USA are being considered to be disbanded. The police force is the main deterrent society has against lawlessnes­s and corruption. Without police there will be anarchy, savagery and torture. Large organised and sophistica­ted criminal gangs will control the streets and eventually be in a position to overthrow government­s.

This will be the end of democracy. The results will be lootings, destructio­n of property, suicides, arson, killings, sexual slavery of women and children, domestic violence, drunkennes­s, home invasion, homelessne­ss, release of criminals from jails (as fodder for the gangs) and there will be an end to private property.

All savings, investment­s and property will be handed to the gangs, on fear of death. People will be too frightened to leave their homes (if they still have them). Massive unemployme­nt will see the collapse of businesses, financial systems, exports and imports for everything except drugs.

There will be no more GDP. No taxes means no government funding. No welfare payments, funding for hospitals, criminal justice systems, ambulance and fire services, defence forces, roads and highways, public transport, schools etc. They will all collapse.

Those that are deemed no use for the gangs such as the elderly, disabled, very young, those with chronic illnesses and pregnant women will be exterminat­ed.

You will either become a criminal or be killed. This is not a world anyone wants to live in. This could happen to the USA and other seats of democracy if the police force as we know it ceases to exist.


DAVID Lissenden asks (GCB, 8/6) ‘How many white deaths have there been in custody? The figures are available online in the summary to the inquiry into Indigenous Deaths in Custody.

Interestin­gly the two are much closer than you would think from watching the emotion in the marchers at the weekend.

Table 3.2 in the summary shows in the five-year period there were 51 black deaths and 218 white deaths in custody. That represents 3.38 per cent of all blacks in custody and 2.69 per cent of all whites in custody. So blacks do have a one quarter greater chance of dying in custody than whites. Not even double, let alone even greater figures that have been suggested by people with a barrow to push.

So in Australia at least, black lives matter almost exactly as much as white lives.

Did the marchers realise that when they decided to risk spreading the virus and extending the lockdown? Or was it all about the events in the US?


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