The Gold Coast Bulletin

War of words erupts between Coast pollies


A WAR of words has broken out about the border closure between two Gold Coast politician­s, reigniting a feud that first erupted over the Earle Haven nursing home scandal.

Moncrieff MP Angie Bell on Wednesday launched a withering attack on Meaghan Scanlon, saying there has been “deafening silence” from the state member for Gaven on the border controvers­y.

Speaking at Question Time in the House of Representa­tives in Canberra, Ms Bell said Ms Scanlon, who is also Assistant Tourism Minister in the

State Government, needed to stand up for small businesses on the Gold Coast.

“What’s been disappoint­ing is the deafening silence of the Labor member for Gaven, the only Queensland government member on the Gold Coast,” Ms Bell said.

“It’s not unreasonab­le for the good people of Moncrieff to expect their own Assistant Tourism Minister, who grew up in Nerang, to stand up for their businesses and their livelihood­s in Australia’s tourism capital.”

Ms Scanlon last night hit back, defending her record on advocating for business and repeating claims that Ms Bell “didn’t front up” during the Earle Haven debacle.

“If Ms Bell was in touch with what’s happening in our community she would know that just this Monday I stood up at a press conference to announce $11 million dollars in funding for our Gold Coast tourism operators and have continuall­y advocated for businesses in this city, whether that’s for payroll tax relief, tenancy relief through to small business grants,” Ms Scanlon said.

“In fact, I was advocating for a wage subsidy well before the Federal Government brought in JobKeeper and was in contact with tourism operators and employees who were not eligible for this payment and needed urgent support.

“Unlike Ms Bell, who didn’t front up when vulnerable people in our community were let down by the aged care sector, I’ve never shied away when things get tough.”

The feud between the pair first erupted in July last year after 69 people were evacuated from the Earle Haven nursing home, which is in Ms Bell’s electorate.

Ms Scanlon was critical of Ms Bell for missing a crisis meeting with elderly residents caught up in the shock closure while attending a press conference about an M1 upgrade.

She also taunted Ms Bell on social media by sending her directions to the aged care facility, while in November she and Labor Senator Murray Watt delivered a petition to the door of the Moncrieff MP’s office.

Ms Bell at the time accused Senator Watt and Ms Scanlon of staging a political stunt and “putting politics before people”.

 ??  ?? Angie Bell (left) and Meaghan Scanlon have traded barbs.
Angie Bell (left) and Meaghan Scanlon have traded barbs.

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