The Gold Coast Bulletin


TEXT: 0416 905 148


We have the equivalent of the medieval Black Death cunningly lurking in our midst. Yet we still have thousands of naive, wannabe street protesting nutters, not able to properly process what their reckless selfish actions will do, should they get up to their dangerous shenanigan­s again this weekend.

Councillor Hermann, we do not want another Luna Park up The Spit. Get the message.

Am I misreading her body language? To me, Premier Anna Palaszczuk seems to take a real, leering, sadistic pleasure in crushing the life out of the broken people of the Gold Coast. The smarmy, permanent smirk, the appearance of her obviously enjoying her own superconfi­dent self righteousn­ess, and by default, the misery of the victims. It’s as if the Gold Coast is her hated enemy. In God’s name, why? Only three cases of the virus in Qld are ‘live’. THREE! And Anna crushes millions of lives, apparently for fun. I just don’t get it. Bruce Cramond, Tweed Shire, NSW

Poor elite footballer­s, saying how tough it is to be away from home, living in a 4.5 star hotel. I cannot imagine these elite sportsman representi­ng us in a war zone. Unless of course they are RAAF. Crystal

Victoria has eight more COVID-19 cases from that illegal protest. Hope you are pleased and wait for the lawsuits. Lance S

Penalties handed down now by the courts is a jail sentence fully suspended. Now that’s the way to clean up crime on the Gold Coast. Barney

With regard to Martin’s text (GCB, 11/6) there were three people sentenced according to the Bulletin. The first was jailed for 18 months, but this was wholly suspended; the second was sentenced to 8 months jail, but this was wholly suspended; the third was jailed for 6 months but (you guessed it) this was wholly suspended. Rather coincident­al that our jails are 120 per cent full! Why do we bother to have magistrate­s & judges?

Princess Mary is a credit to Australia. Meghan Markle is no credit to America and Britain. She has stuffed up Prince Harry’s life good and proper. Mary S

What’s the point of stopping our own southern tourists from entering the GC but allowing Kiwi tourists privileged entry to holiday here. All the Kiwis do is come for a holiday and then return home and pack up and come and

live on the Goldie and contribute to bloating the population which is turning our city into a sardine can of nearly 700,000 and grinding our roads to a halt. The GCCC of the 1980s had set a population cap of 350,000 so it wouldn’t turn into a crime infested, overpopula­ted nightmare like it has been allowed to become by a hopeless irresponsi­ble council. Before the stampede of southerner­s and Kiwis we never had to lock our homes or our cars, no crime at all. Max and Julie, a pair of oldies, Southport

It would not be wise to open our borders, until we know if there was any COVID-19 community transmissi­on, from last weekend’s naive, reckless, street protests.

Matthias Corman says racist attacks on Asians have not increased. So the 400-plus cases reported by Asians since April this year must be the average, making it about 2000 a year without unreported cases! I suppose the Asian community are lucky we are not racist …

What sort of system allows a person to walk free and not be dealt with for some months when he has randomly smashed 36 car windows. Who can say he won’t do it again tonight. Should have mental health and fitness to be free in public decided by a court before he is released amongst the public. KJ

So the Qld Premier is going to let NZ tourists fly into the Gold Coast amidst this coronaviru­s yet the border is to remain closed to our own Aussie southern tourists. Has the Palaszczuk Gov gone completely mad? So when the NZ tourists arrive, will they have to go straight into 14 days self-isolation or will they be exempt from those imperative rules and be another Ruby Princess disaster. I believe Annastacia has lost her way and the Governor needs to dismiss the Labor Gov for causing hundreds of businesses to go to the wall, and as the Bulletin reported (11/6), mental health advocates fear the number of suicides will increase by 50%. Annastacia, are you listening to Qld’s business owners crying out for your help? They will be crying out for her scalp at the October elections. KenW

A message for activists protesting about the rough time they get when they are in custody. Behave yourself and you will not end up in custody.

Why is it these protesters think they are immune to COVID-19 and the restrictio­ns don’t apply to them. Wake up! I can’t run my events business due to restrictio­ns, but they can organise a protest with thousands of people with no care for social distancing. They aren’t even trying to think outside the box. Why can’t they organise a mass in-car or park-up protest? Shortsight­ed and disrespect­ful to all of society!

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