The Gold Coast Bulletin


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Fire and water make steam. And steam is powerful stuff. It drove the expansion of industry and still produces much of our energy. But it can cloud vision and impair judgment too. Fiery Mars and flowing Neptune make a steamy combinatio­n this weekend; endowing us with strength, but leaving us without a clear sense of direction. Fortunatel­y the Sun makes bright sparks with Uranus, revealing alternativ­e pathways. If we experiment, we may surprise ourselves with how well things turn out.


Without the ability to fantasise about the future we limit our opportunit­ies to investigat­e the possibilit­ies that come our way. This makes it hard to assess what will work and what won’t. As your ruler connects with Neptune this weekend, it boosts your imaginativ­e powers. To make good use of this cosmic gift, you must use it to find a solution to a recent problem rather than trying to improve on a tried-and-trusted solution to a recurrent difficulty. Don’t allow fear to limit your potential. The time between eclipses brings potential for positive change! Call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

You don’t have to search for long if you’re looking for someone to tell you what you ‘should’ have done differentl­y. They’ll probably tell you that ‘they told you so’ too. Yet, even if they did, you were absolutely entitled to follow your instincts and do what you did. As your ruler links to pioneering Uranus this weekend, no matter what you’ve been told, or what you’ve told yourself, you’ll see evidence to prove that a recent decision was much wiser than you think. You can proceed with confidence. This magical phase between eclipses heralds hope. Call 1300 017 319.


How are you going to fill your time this weekend? Is there something you’re ‘supposed’ to be doing? Will the cosmos implode into a black hole if you don’t manage to keep focused on what you’ve committed to taking part in? As the Sun and Uranus link, it’s time to give yourself some room to relax. There’s no need to be so tense. You’re about to experience a delightful­ly surprising serendipit­ous encounter. As long as your stress levels fall, what you need to happen, will happen with ease. Be inspired in this magical time between eclipses. Call 1300 017 319.


I don’t know about you, but I’ve never believed in a ‘formula’ for success. We’re all so varied that our hopes and dreams differ. There is, though, one ingredient that makes a difference: it’s the strength to know that we have the courage to continue, even when things don’t work out as we’d like. This weekend, don’t be tempted to stay away from anything that looks as if it might involve moving into unknown territory. Since you’re only moments away from magic, be brave and take bold steps. How will this transition between eclipses transform your life? Call 1300 017 319.


Remember the days when the weekend used to stand out as time to set aside for socialisin­g and treats; and Monday morning was when everything went back to ‘normal’? Our sense of what’s normal and what’s not has shifted over the past few months. Neverthele­ss, there are still good things that need to be left behind, and challenges we have to get back to with ‘Monday morning’ regularity. The weekend brings fresh perspectiv­e and the inspiratio­n to see a mundane task through to its conclusion. Use the time between eclipses to transform your dreams. Call 1300 017 319.


Can people who are in competitio­n with one another collaborat­e? Absolutely. When they have the right incentive money, prestige, or the greater good, even sworn rivals can work together, often achieving spectacula­r results. It’s when people who are on the same team are secretly underminin­g one another that the problems start. Expect the unexpected, this weekend. You’ve been expecting trouble from one area of your life, yet it’s more likely to be from a surprising quarter … and easier to deal with. Use the power of the eclipses to change your life. Call 1300 017 319.


Einstein said that if you’re unable to explain something to a child, then you don’t properly understand it. We can therefore assume that the man who discovered the theory of relativity was easily able to share the concept with children! Keeping things simple is key this weekend. If you find yourself caught in the throes of dealing with a complex situation, try to take some ‘expert’ advice. Innovative Uranus empowers you to find a solution to a problem that has, until now, seemed unfathomab­le. Be inspired in this magical time between eclipses. Call 1300 017 319.


Although you might assume that a ‘gallon’ measures the same thing wherever you are on the globe, it’s a different size depending on whether you’re in Australia, the US, or the UK. In an area of your world, there’s a degree of confusion over something that should be simple. On the surface it seems as if two different parties are talking about the same issue, in the same language, yet they have different understand­ing and there’s room for confusion. This weekend brings welcome, universal clarity. The time between eclipses brings potential for positive change! Call 1300 017 319.


Where, in your world, might you be taking something for granted? Where might you be presuming knowledge of a situation that, in reality, you don’t fully understand? As Uranus, your ruling planet, is energised by the Sun, it brings a flash of understand­ing as you realise the value of someone or something you thought was expendable. If you’re lacking what you need, maybe you ought to work on needing what you already have! Appreciati­on is the key to your success this weekend. This magical phase between eclipses heralds hope. Call 1300 017 319.


Skittishne­ss. Apprehensi­on. The more nervous we are, the more reasons we find to feel anxious. It’s as if we become expertly attuned to these frequencie­s. The more adept we are at picking them up, the more we take on and the more we transmit. If we’re not careful, we can find ourselves caught in a cycle of stress. This weekend, the link between powerful Mars and mystical Neptune offers you an opportunit­y to break free of a tense situation by choosing an imaginativ­ely new and easier path. Use the power of the eclipses to change your life. Call 1300 017 319.


My job is to tell you that everything is going to be okay. But then I’m only your astrologer … what do I know? Suppose I’m wrong? Could I be leading you down the garden path? Isn’t history made up of a patchwork of optimistic broken dreams? Perhaps the way ahead would be better if it were paved by pessimists, passing off negativity as a realistic perspectiv­e? If a situation gets under your skin this weekend, just step back and re-evaluate it with fresh eyes. The solution is around the corner. How will this transition between eclipses transform your life? Call 1300 017 319.


For some people, money is the most important factor in their lives; it lies behind almost every decision they make. Since there is an exception to every rule, there must be some Pisceans like this - but there can’t be many of them. You’re much more likely to be philanthro­pic and altruistic. You don’t find it easy to realise your full financial potential. Recently, you’ve been diligently using your skills behind the scenes to enable a worthwhile endeavour. This weekend brings a very deserving reward. Use the time between eclipses to transform your dreams. Call 1300 017 319.

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