The Gold Coast Bulletin

Dear Annastacia, delaying tactics can work both ways


WE together as a nation did a sterling job. We accepted and held to the steps necessary to reduce the ravages of a virus that killed hundreds of thousands elsewhere. And succeeded well before projection­s indicated we would. We understood there would be serious economic impact and personal sacrifice. But we also expected that at some point restrictio­ns would be incrementa­lly lifted and a recovery phase begun.

The strategy began with a national cabinet, a singular voice addressing a common cause with a common goal. It did not remain that way. Politics interceded. Suddenly the fact that we were all together in this and were interdepen­dent of each other fell by the wayside.

Some state borders were closed, and with them an economic flow critical to the livelihood of those struggling to maintain even the basics of economic survival. This division was never a part of the national plan or strategy.

Here in Queensland, our government went its own way by closing our borders. Was it effective? If you consider potential infection increase, we will never really know as restrictio­ns already in place were working effectivel­y. But it was and remains effective in crashing our economy, destroying businesses, costing jobs, and creating unnecessar­y mental anguish for tens of thousands of Queensland­ers.

A Bulletin poll has shown that 87 per cent here want the borders reopened. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has already demonstrat­ed her double standards and willingnes­s to deflect blame in tolerating a protest gathering of 30,000 and blaming police for inaction. Is it arrogance, loss of face or sheer bloody-mindedness that prevents her from listening to those she has sworn to serve?

We need our borders opened now. She say’s we will get our answer at the end of this month. While she digs in many more will suffer. Well we have an answer too.

Like hers it will be delayed, not by choice as she has, for that is her decision as well. According to the best prediction­s, our answer will be delivered in October. There is some irony, or you could say karma in that. BOB JANSSEN, GOLD COAST

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