The Gold Coast Bulletin


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Venus turns direct tomorrow. Given its associatio­n with money, does that spell good news for the economy? Well, yes and no. It marks the return to a degree of normality that will come as a blessed relief. But for some, it means facing decisions that have been put on hold. Whichever camp we fall into, we all have something in common; life has been teaching us some very valuable lessons recently. If we apply what we’ve learned, we may all profit from the situation. Luck is on our side.


The time to realise you’re terrified of heights is, in an ideal world, before you get to the end of the diving board. You’ve had countless steps to climb. A hundred opportunit­ies to turn back. Now you’re here. You could, of course, step back from the brink and walk the humiliatin­g path back past everyone else on their way up … or you could accept your fate, close your eyes and go for it. Things are seldom as bad as we imagine. Make up your mind to enjoy it. Who knows, you might surprise yourself! What does your heart desire and can you achieve it? Call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Picture yourself stepping on to the podium. The champagne is being passed into your hands, the garland of flowers has been placed around your neck. Here comes the applause you deserve. Oops. What happens if you only came second? Suppose, after all your effort, you’re not first over the winning line? How disappoint­ing. All that time and energy exerted without the anticipate­d reward. Fortunatel­y you don’t have to compete for what you’re hoping for. And it’s not going to go wrong. What does your heart desire and can you achieve it? Call 1300 017 319.


There’s a reason why gangster movies are so popular. Even though most of us are generally law-abiding folk, who think we’d never even consider behaving in such reprehensi­ble ways, we all entertain secret fantasies of pulling off great heists, or finding illicit ways to gain our fortunes. And the stars of those films often show initiative and are prepared to go beyond the ‘norm’. Although you naturally tend to bend the rules, don’t take unnecessar­y risks today. Let your common sense prevail. What does your heart desire and can you achieve it? Call 1300 017 319.


It was Lao Tzu, the Chinese philosophe­r who said, ‘When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be’. Yet, however alluring that might seem, in one area of your world things are exactly as they’re meant to be. Your determinat­ion to get to the bottom of a challengin­g situation is exactly what you need. Your thirst for knowledge has the power to not only overturn a current problem, but to resolve it. Yet, to pull this off you need to work with the way things are, not how you wish they were. View your challenges in a new light and overcome them. Call 1300 017 319.


Shouldn’t life be calmer, quieter and more comfortabl­e? Do you really need to be wrestling with an infinite number of exasperati­ng challenges? Since the idea of living a serene existence has much to be desired, why can’t your world be more tranquil? As Venus prepares to turn direct it brings new awareness to a problem that’s been dominating. Actually, it’s just an extension of an old issue and, if you just allow things to unfold, they will sort themselves out without your interventi­on. View your challenges in a new light and overcome them. Call 1300 017 319.


Honesty boxes seem like a strange concept. Why would people pay full price when they could grab a bargain? Yet, most economic markets are built on this principle. People evaluate the quality of the product and, if they think it’s worth the price, they’ll buy it. If something is priced too high it will be rejected; too low and it might be similarly cast aside. No system is perfect. Where could you have attached too high (or low) a value to something? Be as balanced as you can be.

View your challenges in a new light and overcome them. Call 1300 017 319.


Time passes at a slower pace when we’re hungry. We don’t like having to deal with difficult problems when we’re tired. It’s much better to have a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast before trying to work out what action we need to take. As anyone who has ever been forced to have a challengin­g conversati­on when they don’t feel like it will attest … good timing is critical. As Venus prepares to turn direct in your sign, be confident that you’ll know when the right moment comes. Will the dream you’re chasing come true? Find out! Call 1300 017 319.


What mistakes have you made? Which assumption­s led you astray? Was your perspectiv­e slightly warped? I’m not asking in the hope that you’ll feel bad - and certainly not to compound the gravity of the situation. The reality is that each and every one of those so called ‘mistakes’ was grounded in a lack of selfbelief. Self-confidence. That’s all it takes. As your ruler prepares to turn direct, when you weigh up a similar dilemma today, bear that in mind - and have faith in yourself!

Will the dream you’re chasing come true? Find out! Call 1300 017 319.


Work. Responsibi­lity. Chores. Taxes. Concerns. Sorry, I’m just listing the things you’ve got too much of on your plate. Sure. They all need to be dealt with sooner or later; but is the world going to implode if you put them off for a couple of days? Of course not. As you begin to feel a little overwhelme­d, don’t be afraid to take some time out, recharge your batteries and refocus your objectives. Venus is about to change direction and it brings a tangible change of emphasis. You can start to relax. Will the dream you’re chasing come true? Find out! Call 1300 017 319.


Without the picture on the box, jigsaw puzzles take on a new level of difficulty. It’s also much easier to find the enthusiasm to work on one when you’re confident you have all the pieces. Life, on the other hand, tends to resemble a box of odd bits and bobs that might or might not fit together in a cohesive way. There’s been a lot of guesswork going on in your life recently. You’re just about getting by, but there’s a feeling of uncertaint­y. As Venus prepares to turn direct, some of the confusion will dissipate. Make the most of your opportunit­ies. For inspiring news, call 1300 017 319.


Why are we here? What’s the purpose of life on planet Earth? Just suppose the reason for our existence is to seek the purpose of life? If it were easy to find the answer, we might find that there isn’t much point! It’s not the things we don’t know that cause the problems. The real difficulti­es arise when we think we know the answer but we’re not entirely sure. If you find yourself involved in a bit of a battle of wits today, be confident that whatever the apparent ‘result’ you’re on the right track. Make the most of your opportunit­ies. For inspiring news, call 1300 017 319.


No wonder we tend to try to extricate ourselves from tricky situations. The greater our level of discomfort, the faster we want to get out. And the less we care about the methodolog­y of our exit strategy. Sometimes, it’s just time to go. That’s when people find themselves jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. Although your situation is heating up, it’s not too uncomforta­ble. As Venus prepares to change direction, it offers the possibilit­y of a safe route to where you want to be. Take your time. It will appear. Make the most of your opportunit­ies. For inspiring news, call 1300 017 319.

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