The Gold Coast Bulletin



Although they say opposites attract, people aren’t magnets. We tend to gravitate towards those with whom we share similar outlooks. Yet, comforting similariti­es may be deceptivel­y shallow. As the Sun moves from an empathic alignment with Neptune to oppose the Jupiter-Pluto conjunctio­n, it’s important to approach any encounters diligently and shine a light onto characteri­stics we might dismiss. With an open mind and generous spirit, surprising relationsh­ips are possible.

Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.


Since different people have different ideas, how are you supposed to know that yours are better than anyone else’s? It’s impossible to tell. Yet, you can at least be sure of one thing... they certainly aren’t any worse! And they are your own. Your current strategy is based on experience. It’s influenced by relationsh­ips and emotions. And it makes sense to you. Although it might not be perfect, the powerful cosmic climate offers the courage to believe in yourself. Follow your instincts. Solve problems. Ease troubles. Find solutions! Call 1300 017 319

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Once upon a time, in the not so long ago, emails were a source of excitement, and visiting a website caused a thrill. That was, of course, before the internet evolved into the beast that we’ve come to rely on. You’re looking for a cutting-edge adventure in your life, but seem to be impeded by a set of constructs, rules and regulation­s. The good news is that the cosmos is providing the ‘wriggle room’ to find an alternativ­e way through the red tape. With ingenuity you can find the freedom you crave. For great advice to guide you through this week. Call 1300 017 319


Although they say there’s no smoke without fire, it’s not always easy to tell what you’re seeing; steam can look an awful lot like smoke. Sometimes, it even forms into large clouds that, from a distance might give you the impression that a fire is roaring out of control beneath it. You’d only realise that you’d reached the wrong conclusion if you got close enough to sniff the air. Even if the cloud you’re looking at seems ominous, there’s a high chance that it has an innocent explanatio­n. Make the most of your opportunit­ies. For inspiring news, call: 1300 017 319


Your super heroic moment has arrived. Should you go racing in, ready to sweep someone off their feet and carry them away to safety? You’d be doing them a favour... wouldn’t you? Perhaps. Yet sometimes people need to be allowed to work through their own problem. If we’re not given the chance to fix something, how will we ever learn? If you’re going to be wary of anything today, be cautious of your own self-assurance. Make sure you’re doing the best thing for everyone involved. What does your heart really desire and can you achieve it? Call 1300 017 319


Parents work on the basis that, if they try hard enough, their kids will eventually eat broccoli, cabbage, spinach, and all the other varieties of the leafy greens that kids tend to hate. But we should be wary of applying this approach too broadly. Sometimes ‘putting up with’ something becomes an awful lot like capitulati­on. Instead of rising to the challenge, we roll over and give up. You have the power to overhaul a frustratin­g situation. Don’t underestim­ate your ability to effect real, lasting change. Live your life to the full. For helpful advice, call 1300 017 319


What practical use could a magician’s ability to produce rabbits from hats possibly have? What could you do with a profusion of fluffy, long-eared creatures? Well... you could start a pet farm I suppose. But it wouldn’t be long before they multiplied and you’d be overrun with bunnies. Then you’d be looking for a magic wand to make them disappear! Being able to create something out of nothing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Focus on making the right thing come into your world. You can do that today. Auspicious alignments! Good times are here! Call 1300 017 319


If only life was simpler. If you only had one thing to do, you’d be able to focus on it and get it done. Yet our world presents us with innumerabl­e tasks and challenges; the concept of them arriving one at a time is surely just a dream? Interestin­gly, psychologi­sts often notice that it’s the way we handle the obstacles in our way that often ends up bringing the greatest reward. Under powerful cosmic forces, if you can appreciate a recent impediment, you’ll be able to assimilate the learning, and move on. View your challenges in a new light and overcome them. Call 1300 017 319


It’s a ghastly feeling when we realise that something has completely slipped our mind. How could we just forget? We’re so overcome with panic and guilt that we completely overlook the fact that maybe... just maybe... our intuition was at work. Perhaps there was a very good reason why we forgot? Perhaps we overlooked something that needed overlookin­g! Today brings understand­ing of why you’ve been putting off doing something. It also holds the potential for its imaginativ­e resolution. Change is possible now. Get some valuable help. Call 1300 017 319


There’s a great reggae song with the lyric ‘The harder they come, the harder they fall’. If you know it, you could make it your theme song today. Although you might feel as if you’re facing a daunting prospect, you have the wherewitha­l to deal with it. Just because someone’s in a position of power doesn’t mean you have to acquiesce. They have a weak spot... and the current cosmic climate not only enables you to see it, it empowers you with the skill to see what to do in order to get what you want. Nothing is hopeless. If you want good news, call: 1300 017 319


Your course is set. The journey has begun. But who kicked things into action? It certainly wasn’t you. I’d love to be able to tell you that it’s time to take control, grab the reins and crack the whip... but I won’t. Not because you can’t, but because you’re heading exactly where you’re meant to be going. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t a conscious decision. They say that ‘the end justifies the means’, and although that may feel difficult to believe, soon enough, you’ll see exactly what I mean. Will the dream you’re chasing come true? Find out! Call 1300 017 319

OCT 24 - NOV 22

When is a victory not a victory? When we sacrifice more along the way than we ultimately gain. Time. Money. Sleep. Friendship­s. Happiness. These don’t exist in a vacuum; and we must try to maintain a sense of equilibriu­m. Sometimes an apparent disaster can provide the necessary impetus to reset our scales and bring us back to true. So, don’t write off recent events as a waste of your time and emotional investment. Look a little closer. The momentum has carried you far. You’ve got so much to look forward to this week. Call 1300 017 319


In the Noughties the most successful music producers were experts in the use of samples, and Auto-Tune. They could reproduce any sound. A particular low (if you ask me) was the incorporat­ion of ringtones into pop music in order to get people to sit up and pay attention. If you’re hearing an echo of a past conflict or confrontat­ion, don’t let it get on top of you. Close your ears and use your eyes. The closer you look, the faster you’ll realise that it’s not a warning, but an opportunit­y in disguise. What’s in the sky? Helpful planetary alignments! Call 1300 017 319

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