The Gold Coast Bulletin

JobKeeper extension to prevent GC falling off a ‘September cliff’


THE Gold Coast’s leading business lobby group has backed proposed changes to the Federal Government’s JobKeeper wage subsidy.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will unveil the revamped program on Tuesday.

The key points expected include extending the scheme until Christmas and dropping the $1500 a fortnight payment to $1000 for companies that qualify.

Casuals will no longer qualify for a flat-rate payment. Instead, they will have access to a part-time rate.

It is designed to end the practice of overpaying casual workers, something many business leaders had criticised.

Gold Coast Central Chamber of Commerce president Martin Hall said the changes would prevent the economy “going off a cliff” on September 27 when the initial JobKeeper program ends.

“JobKeeper did exactly what it needed to do during the lockdown but as Queensland evolves out of this phase, we hope to goodness that we do not have to close the borders again. All businesses have been focused on a September cliff, so this will be most welcome.

“As businesses are starting to open, hopefully there will be support there for them to lean on as we enter the next year.”

Federal Treasury figures showed 27,545 Gold Coast businesses signed up to the scheme in April alone.

Village Roadshow CEO Clark Kirby, with 5000 staff, has said the JobKeeper had allowed him to sleep at night.

About $75 million a week would have been wiped from struggling Gold Coast families if the Morrison Government had pulled the plug on it.

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