The Gold Coast Bulletin


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Playing is often the first step on the journey towards enlightenm­ent. What starts as a cub chasing its mother’s tail ends with the king of the jungle taking down a wildebeest. As Mercury remakes its encouragin­g link with Uranus, ahead of leaving its shadow this weekend, we’re encouraged to learn through experiment­ation. Even if we can’t find an answer without dedicated research and detailed study, by being creative and expressive, we’ll be closer to a breakthrou­gh


Neither the world nor its inhabitant­s are perfect... and since it’s a crazy place, it’s perfect that there are so many crazy folk. It’s interestin­g that many of us, who like to think of ourselves as being enlightene­d, would be horrified by the idea of seeing a psychother­apist. Yet a skilful analyst can enable the sanest people to uncover aspects of themselves that have been hidden in the recesses of their minds. A helpful issue from your past can help you now. Be open to self-discovery. You’ve got so much to look forward to. The Sun brings inspiratio­n. Call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

The image of the great silent actor Harold Lloyd perilously clinging on to a clock high above a busy city is an iconic cinematic scene. The actor’s skill lies in his ability to relate to the emotions of the audience. Even though they could hardly look because they were scared, they laughed too. It’s not easy to find humour in tense situations. Yet you have the good fortune of your ruler, the Sun, in your sign. Even though you may not feel confident, you’re in a much safer position than you think. You’ve got so much to look forward to. The Sun brings inspiratio­n. Call 1300 017 319.


I wonder if I could ask for your help? I’ve got a problem with my keyboard, and I’m trying to compose an email to my local council about a problem with the drains in my road. And, while you’re at it, would you mind keeping an eye out for my post? Great! I’m glad you’ve got so much spare time on your hands. May I suggest that you enjoy it while it lasts? The upcoming Jupiter and Neptune alignment is going to bring some excitement into your life. Any rest you take now will be beneficial later. You’ve got so much to look forward to. The Sun brings inspiratio­n. Call 1300 017 319.


How much thought does nature give to yesterday? Do lions sulk at the back of the pack dreaming of the day when they were young cubs with no responsibi­lities? Do giant oak trees think wistfully of their time as acorns? Of course not. We don’t even know if they’re capable of conceiving of a ‘past’. Meditation­al philosophi­es and religions extol the benefits of mindfulnes­s that focuses on the present moment. Like an ancient tree, you have the power to tower over what’s bothering you today. The Sun focuses on fun and friendship­s. For heartwarmi­ng news call 1300 017 319.


Think of how much lighter you’d feel if you could leave all your burdens somewhere. You’d be able to float on the breeze of synchronic­ity towards a serendipit­ous, trouble-free future. Ah... that’s a dream-come-true fantasy that we all experience. Yet the reality of life on our spinning ball of rock is such that our idyllic visions are brought back down to earth by the clouds of worry we’re unable to escape. Yet, as your ruler links with Uranus, if you have faith in an inspiring vision, it can come true. The Sun focuses on fun and friendship­s. For heartwarmi­ng news call 1300 017 319.


If we’re as knowledgea­ble as we tend to think, then why is there so much that we don’t know? Of course, we all expect to have gaps in our understand­ing... but shouldn’t that warn us against putting too much emphasis on ourselves and our ideas? Nothing’s certain; and to think otherwise is to misunderst­and our place in this cosmos. As someone seeks to bring something important to your attention, open your heart. Then, thank them for their suggestion... and follow it.

The Sun focuses on fun and friendship­s. For heartwarmi­ng news call 1300 017 319.


It’s rarely productive or profitable to make a change just for the sake of it. Fashion is notoriousl­y fickle; anyone who tries to follow it will eventually struggle to keep up. Old traditions have stood the test of time for a reason... they present us with good alternativ­es. Yet between the old and the new lies the central ground, which is where we find you today. As your ruler links with innovative Uranus, the change you feel encouraged to make will be timely and extremely constructi­ve.

You’ve got so much to look forward to. The Sun brings inspiratio­n. Call 1300 017 319.


It takes a lot of love, and a lot of time, to be a farmer. Seeds must be germinated, tended and lovingly thinned. Plants must be carefully observed to ensure no invasive specimens have taken root that risk smothering the precious crop. Yet, every now and then, whether by fate or happy accident, they might find something exquisitel­y beautiful which has spontaneou­sly establishe­d itself right in the very middle of their carefully plotted field. Be on the lookout for unexpected treasures today. You’ve got so much to look forward to. The Sun brings inspiratio­n. Call 1300 017 319.


As your ruler, Uranus links with Mercury, it brings a sign that life is about to speed up a notch or two. Since it’s already going at quite a pace, this change of gear could feel as if you’re having to push even harder in order to make the progress you’re determined to make. Luckily, you’re a resilient Aquarian. Once you start to sense that an evolution is occurring, you’re able to draw on hidden energy reserves and keep the ball moving. Your drive and motivation will be key to your success. You’ve got so much to look forward to. The Sun brings inspiratio­n. Call 1300 017 319.


Before the internet, there were two sides to every story. Nowadays, it’s much more complex. With unlimited resources at our fingertips, we can access divergent views in an instant. And, with so many voices speaking at once, it’s no wonder we’re tempted to drown out the cacophony entirely. We can’t take it all in, so we close off, allowing our own opinions to thrive unchecked. As the Sun settles into its celestial home, changing your mind will feel like a liberation rather than a weakness today. The Sun focuses on fun and friendship­s. For heartwarmi­ng news call 1300 017 319.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

‘Diagnosis is half the cure’ is a renowned saying in the world of medicine. And most engineers would agree with the concept; after all, when you know what’s wrong with something, you’re half way towards fixing it. The trouble comes when the wrong diagnosis is made. Someone in your world, who’s in a rush, has decided what’s wrong and taken steps to rectify it. Yet there’s a much happier explanatio­n for the complex situation you’re dealing with, and a simpler way to proceed.

The Sun focuses on fun and friendship­s. For heartwarmi­ng news call 1300 017 319.


Rudyard Kipling’s poem ‘If’ is, undoubtedl­y, one of the most widely cited works of the 20th century. Unfortunat­ely, its final line, ‘you’ll be a man, my son’, has aged about as well as his colonialis­t novels of the same period. History is tricky. We need to find a way to move with the times, while engaging with and learning from our past. If you can seek the moderation advocated by this poem, while staying clear of its intrinsic prejudices, you’ll do very well indeed today.

The Sun focuses on fun and friendship­s. For heartwarmi­ng news call 1300 017 319.

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