The Gold Coast Bulletin


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Not long ago, I was balancing my time writing these forecasts with teaching the times tables to a bored child. Inevitably, it led to frustrated feelings and shortened tempers. Now it’s the school holidays, I feel less guilty about focusing on fun rather than on educationa­l activities. The approachin­g Jupiter and Neptune realignmen­t


In years gone by, television­s were big boxes that took up so much space you could be forgiven for imagining that newsreader­s actually lived inside them. At least, as a child, I always had my suspicions. Nowadays, we no longer have such appliances to facilitate our flights of fancy. Yet it doesn’t take more than a glance at a situation we don’t quite understand before our brains start whirring away. This weekend, as Jupiter and Neptune link, don’t be tempted to let your imaginatio­n run away with you. Need to change your life for the better? You can. Call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

If someone makes you happy, it makes sense to allow them to continue to do so. If someone loves you, enjoy the feeling. And if there’s someone who you can’t quite work out, don’t let your uncertaint­y preclude what could be a beautiful friendship.

It can take a while to get used to some people’s modes of expression. Just because someone has an unusual way about them doesn’t mean they aren’t your kind of person. Give them the benefit of the doubt, this weekend... you’ll be glad you did. A new week. A powerful cosmic message for you.

Call 1300 017 319


We have to ask the right questions to the right people. You wouldn’t ask an animal farmer how to eat less meat. Someone who’s passionate about the environmen­t is unlikely to want to talk about the joys of motor racing. We don’t find it easy to discern whether someone’s being impartial or protecting their own interests. As your ruler links with Neptune, question how the beliefs of a key person might be coloured by their own needs. Don’t allow anyone’s negativity to affect your weekend. This week’s cosmic climate is magical for you. Call 1300 017 319.


I thought it might help you decide what to worry about if you could choose from a menu. The Restaurant of Foreboding has a selection of dishes to try. Do you fancy the hors d’oeuvres of Dread to start? Or would you prefer the Terrifying Terrine of Trouble which comes with toast grilled with a garnish of groans? If none of those take your fancy, you could go straight to the main menu; the Hopelessne­ss Hotpot is very popular. Luckily, the cosmos offers you a joyful place to hang out this weekend. Jupiter and Neptune’s link brings transforma­tion. Call 1300 017 319.


Time has a mind of its own. No matter how hard we try, we can’t slow it down or speed it up. Yet if we adjust the way we perceive it, we can change the way it affects our lives. Imagine that you’re waiting for a train that’s running late. Rather than drumming your fingers impatientl­y, if you decide to invest your energy in something that will preoccupy your mind, the time will race by much faster. This weekend, as your ruler emerges from its shadow, such an adjustment will make a big difference. The Jupiter/Neptune link reveals exciting opportunit­ies. Call 1300 017 319.


There’s something dreamlike about chaotic situations. The crazier things get, the more blurred the boundaries become and the more we’re able to do things we wouldn’t normally do. In such situations, instead of panicking, it would be helpful if we could acknowledg­e that the normal rules had been suspended, and look for ways to stretch the limits in a helpful way. The ongoing situation that has been causing you most anguish turns out to hold potential from which you can profit this weekend. Jupiter and Neptune’s link offers the key to a dream. Call 1300 017 319.


The lyrics of a song by Donovan may at first seem nonsensica­l. “First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is.” Yet he was paraphrasi­ng one of Buddhism’s central tenets. Perhaps it’s sacrilegio­us to try to explain a philosophy that seems to argue that truth can only be reached through mystery but... there are times when our eyes deceive us. As your ruler, Mercury, leaves the shadow, take a second look at a familiar situation. You may find something unexpected­ly pleasing. This week’s cosmic climate is magical for you. Call 1300 017 319.


“Let’s keep this party polite, never get out of my sight, stick with me baby, I’m the guy you came in with, luck be a lady tonight.” As Jupiter and Neptune align, although the lyrics of this song from the musical Guys and Dolls are stuck in gender stereotype­s, luck is on your side. Fortune has often been portrayed as a feminine entity which can be cajoled into sharing her favours. As long as you treat everyone with respect this weekend, you’ll benefit from a kindly cosmos. You might even break into song. Need to change your life for the better? You can. Call 1300 017 319.


Aquarians have long been associated with anarchical dissent and rebellious revolution. Just because the symbol of your sign is thought to be the urn that collected water from the fountain of eternal wisdom, doesn’t mean you appreciate outdated ideas. Quite the opposite. You’re the breath of fresh air with which old prejudices are cast aside. You live and breathe innovation. Could your impulsiven­ess have carried you a little too far recently? Perhaps...or, perhaps you haven’t gone far enough. A new week. A powerful cosmic message for you. Call 1300 017 319.


It doesn’t happen very often, but there’s nothing quite like the feeling we get when we’ve crossed off every item on our “todo” list. It’s such a pleasing sensation that, if we’re not careful, it can encourage us to immediatel­y start a new list. Argh. Before we know it, we’re off again, trying to tick all the boxes. As Mercury emerges from its shadow, it encourages you to change your approach to a series of upcoming events. Free yourself from a sense of obligation rather than adding to your list. Jupiter and Neptune’s link offers the key to a dream. Call 1300 017 319.


Making a decision about the future and then sticking with it involves two very different things. In that first moment, we might feel empowered and excited. Our intentions are clear and optimism prevails. We believe that this will be the change that finally sticks. Then, out of nowhere, old habits reappear and we’re back to where we started. It takes determinat­ion and perseveran­ce to truly turn over a new leaf. You’re being strengthen­ed by the Jupiter-Neptune link. You’ve more than got what it takes. Jupiter and Neptune’s link brings transforma­tion. Call 1300 017 319.


Who doesn’t appreciate easy solutions to life’s challenges – a quick fix that will solve all our difficulti­es, thus freeing us from having to think? Human beings tend to either accept and comply or question and rebel. And when agreement has been reached, surely we should just accept it and question it no more? Hmmm. As Jupiter and Neptune align, they empower you with the courage to raise an eyebrow at what looks like a fait accompli. Trust your instincts. You can help uncover a deception. The Jupiter/Neptune link reveals exciting opportunit­ies. Call 1300 017 319.

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