The Gold Coast Bulletin



TEXT: 0416 905 148

RE: Wed text, totally agree Queensland/NZ trans-Tasman bubble! We’ve both done an amazing job with COVID19! Let’s go ahead SOON! Team NZ/Qld

Hey, keep the Vic borders closed and stop the Mexicans coming up and buying all the houses on the Tweed and asking stupid rents.

Graham Love, tourists always get robbed – try $5-20 for 2ltre of milk at 7/11. $2.20 at Aldi. They don’t miss the locals either. Ron, R/Bay

Our chicken s*** government lets the ABC get away with so much biased BS. When did our mug media and gutless pollies sink so low? The quiet people just shake their heads in disgust.

I saw on the news that American police fired tear gas at protestors. Why don’t our police do the same? Better still why doesn’t the Premier just tell them they can’t hold their protest? Kathy B

So sick of hearing “move the border”. Seems me and Paul from Tugun are the only ones who get it ... move the checkpoint­s not the border. Doh. Fro from Robina

Just watched Dan Andrews presser (23/07). Nothing he said about COVID science was unchalleng­eable but ignoring that, what if an enemy agent is deliberate­ly spreading covid as an act of aggression? Why blame and punish Victorians for that? Higgs, Paynesvill­e

Watch out, the ATO scam calls have started again. If you are unsure, hang up and call the ATO on their advertised phone number. Do not pay any money to a stranger on the phone.

The act by the Premier of NSW to not help move borders to the Tweed River are the same selfish acts that saw the border divide Point Danger in 1859 to gain some high ground. Just stupidity of a political scale this time.

To all of you car drivers who complain about cyclists on the road, perhaps if the debris from your accidents wasn’t swept into the bike lane cyclists may actually be able to ride in them. Goatie

David Hall, you have a low opinion of the NSW Premier, and saying she should be locked in a wardrobe with a bottle of booze just because she is an LNP Premier. You need to check the faults of the Qld Labor Premier, the worst in Qld’s political history. David could you imagine a Fed Labor Gov trying to steer us through this coronaviru­s crisis? Be happy we have ScoMo as our skipper of the ship. Can you

imagine the mess a Fed Labor Gov would have made of trying to deal with this virus and Bill Shorten at the helm, they would have been unable to cope with it all. Allan Murphy

Hot air handryers should be turned off in shopping centres etc. If as experts now say, fine droplets are COVID super spreaders, what better way of increasing the spread than hot air hand dryers. Don’t use them. KJ

Will various state govs now do something about the protest rallies and the brain dead numb nuts who attend them. I’m sick of doing the hard yards for the morons who think they have the right to do whatever they want! Vic gov the worst but others who won’t let police do their job for fear of upsetting these civil libertaria­ns is weak governance. Voter

Headline in yesterday’s GC Bulletin: Send quarantine dogers to jail. Yes! They could cause people, especially older and vulnerable, to lose their lives. It’s already happening in southern states. Ma

Why not just explain to the readers the reason the state border is placed where it is, or are you enjoying the fake news about moving it. Ian

How can the Roosters possibly rustle up enough money and salary cap space for Sonny Boy with their already big name roster?

Just saw the Queensland Premier in Hervey Bay saying they are going to waive the fees for whale watching businesses. Can anyone tell me what right the government has to charge these fees in the first place to watch a whale? We will be charged fees to breathe soon.

200 people supposed to be isolated can’t be found in Qld! Give a posse bio suits & a dozen paddy wagons & go catch em, throw them in the back, fined & given 3mths home detention, publically shamed. They know they could be a carrier, it’s a bio weapons charge in a sense.

I watched the Prime Minister’s interview on ABC 7.30 report this week, I was looking forward to hearing what he said, but the interviewe­r was rude, aggressive & continuall­y interrupte­d the PM and kept talking over him when he tried to reply. I thought the taxpayer spends $1b a year for an impartial balanced national broadcasti­ng service? Her attitude was disrespect­ful to Scott Morrison, disrespect­ful to the Prime Minister’s office, and ruined the interview. The ABC journos have become like the American journos who spend all day slamming their President. Todd

So Americans now have 3 choices for President. 1. Biden: A dinosaur from the Dark Ages. 2. Trump: World’s biggest narcissist. And 3 Kanye West: A bipolar narcissist who believes he is some kind of god. 330 million people and that’s the best they can find. Sad state of Affairs. Chopper

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