The Gold Coast Bulletin

Young Chooks will learn from idol


SYDNEY Roosters centre Joseph Manu grew up watching Sonny Bill Williams’ highlights in complete awe.

Manu was playing junior footy in Tokoroa, his tiny hometown on the North Island of New Zealand with a population of just 13,600.

Every Kiwi kid wanted to be like Sonny Bill.

Even today, Manu can barely contain his excitement at the thought of playing with the cross-code legend.

“A lot of New Zealand looked up to Sonny, obviously what he’s achieved in his career, it’s pretty special for me,” Manu said.

“It’ll be pretty exciting to see him here and to learn from him will be pretty cool,

“I remember watching him in primary school, it’s a long time ago, so never thought that I’d get to play alongside him.”

Most of all, Manu remembers Williams’ big hits that tormented NRL sides for years.

“I couldn’t pull off the hits like him, I was too small,” Manu said. “That‘s the big thing that everyone loved as a New Zealand kid, was watching him do those big hits.”

Williams has won two premiershi­ps with the Roosters and Bulldogs and two Rugby World Cups with the All Blacks.

His arrival at Bondi Junction would provide an instant boost to the Chooks’ middle, while Victor Radley, Sam Verrills, Angus Crichton are out injured.

The club is also hoping that William’s off-field attitude will rub off on the squad.

“He’s done everything in the game, it’ll be awesome to have another head like that in and around the boys,” Roosters forward Lindsay Collins said.

 ??  ?? Joseph Manu.
Joseph Manu.
 ??  ?? Sonny Bill Williams in 2013.
Sonny Bill Williams in 2013.

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