The Gold Coast Bulletin


- Cian – his awful! Lucky design is truly Prime Minister Morrison

TEXT: 0416 905 148

GC is advertised as a family destinatio­n. Tourists with families will not use light rail juggling children & luggage. Probably cheaper in a taxi anyway with more than 1-2 people & you get dropped at your door.

Incredible the huge sums being spent on koala protection when they thrive in their many thousands. And what about all the other animals that cross a road. Do they get an over or underpass as well. Not commonsens­e, give the money to suffering people.

I met up with the lovely lady in Tugun who goes around picking up other people’s rubbish and has been doing it for a long time. She gets pleasure out of it, bless her. She has her little trolley and goes about her buisness. She said it makes her feel good.

About 2200 people on average die each year in Australia from the flu. Check the official health statistics. Makes covid virus death rate seem so puny. Time for a rethink instead of mass panic and economic devastatio­n.

Koala bridges, essential. Cost to make them, ludicrous. It seems that any work done on the Coast for the Council is always grossly overpriced. Maybe they should get quotes like us normal folks do. – Shezz

Once again the 767 was 30 minutes late. What about people going to work or a doctor’s appointmen­t. This is the 21st century. This is not good enough. RAMBO

Laza. We used to have our own industries then the unions got involved increasing wages to unacceptab­le levels that could not be maintained while they lined their own pockets. The Guru

As a bridge designer Tom should stick to being a politi

Here it is the last week of the month and the rip off BP and 7eleven servos have jacked the price of fuel by 40cpl for no other reason than they can! Oh I forgot it’s the imaginary fuel price cycle that only they know about, Freddie

Great article Ann Wason Moore re the beautiful Palm Beach! I am totally in favour of the light rail, coming down the GCH to the airport. No direction changes. I have lived here as an owner resident for 43 years and cannot understand the anti everything folk. Bring it on Tom! BTW have moved into a new 12 storey hi rise and LOVE it! Hilary Green

It is ridiculous Australia doesn’t have a nuclear arsenal.

As a result we have to go to the USA, and ask the americans if they will protect us with their nuclear arsenal ... should the now very bullying, blackmaili­ng, intimidati­ng, nuclear arsenalled Chinese, attack us.

It seems that many are becoming battle weary in the face of an enemy which will take any opportunit­y to spread and infect. If only we could see this tiny monster we might all be able to maintain the type of vigilance required.

But it is what it is and we have no choice but to use every weapon at our disposal particular­ly our intelligen­ce and common sense.

Please explain, Tom. I have never understood the building of bridges for wildlife to cross roads. Don’t get me wrong I don’t like seeing animals killed or injured, like most of us, but who teaches them to walk to the crossing to get across – I hope they like the colour & design. Seems a lot of money is spent for little reason other than to ‘strengthen the city’s environmen­tal credential­s’. Would like an opinion from an animal behavioura­list as happy to listen.

All the Palm Beach anti-tram tomato throwers who hate Tate should give them to the homeless instead. Where’s your humanity? Johnbrew

Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. BS

Why is it that AFL Umpires can’t see with two eyes, what Alistair Clarkson can clearly see with one. Chopper

How is it a mobile fine phone is a $1000 yet people caught with drugs get a lesser fine.

Where of where are all those people who were screaming for the QLD border to be thrown open? Thank you Anastacia Palaszczuk for keeping us safe from all those who disregard the health of us oldies here on the Gold Coast.

How many Karens are out there? Could launch a class action for the miss use of the name. Greg W Robina must apologise to the QLD Premier for berating her for not opening the borders. Now he’s saying that she should close the border!

How come these high profile footballer­s can’t say 4 words with out saying ‘um’. So frustratin­g. 8 ball

I can’t drive from Tweed to Coolangatt­a (both Covid free) but can fly from Melbourne (hotspot) to Brisbane with a plane load of others. Huh?! The stupidity is stunning!! We have no chance. Goman

Twas the weirdest thing ever for sure! Just plonked rear on seat in car, heading to do “local IGA” shop for stuff to cook, when I heard my txt, re Miss Joplin, read out on 94.1! Chuffed & now sporting big head. (kidding!). My point was – some music just can’t be bettered!

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