The Gold Coast Bulletin



PREMIER Annastacia Palaszczuk said she would not hesitate to further close the Queensland borders, and she has proven true to her word on that.

In fact, her abrupt announceme­nt on Wednesday morning that as of Saturday, Queensland – already blocked off to all of Victoria – would also be a no-go zone to anyone coming from New South Wales and the ACT.

She justified the inclusion of ACT due to someone sneaking into Queensland via Canberra – despite the fact ACT has no active cases.

The COVID-19 surge in Victoria is not lost on anyone while NSW numbers are building – a further 12 in the 24 hours to Wednesday for a total active case load of 262 – but its contact tracing is keeping track of transmissi­on.

But it was time to act, according to Premier Palaszczuk who intoned: “Victoria is not getting better and we are not going to wait for NSW to get worse.”

The decision is made, she has not hesitated.

Now it is time for us, as Gold Coasters and Queensland­ers together, not to hesitate.

Your city and state needs you.

It needs you to support your local traders, activity operators, venues and businesses who are increasing­ly solely reliant on domestic business.

As of 1am on Saturday, goodbye NSW, goodbye ACT.

These venues and companies are owned and staffed by us – family, friends, your neighbour’s mother and father, their sons and daughters, your siblings, their mates.

More than ever they need your custom. Taking a ‘stay-cation’ has become a buzz word in recent times and it has never been more relevant than right now.

Your backyard is top of the list for any surveys asking Melburnian­s and Sydneyside­rs where they would head to if they were able.

Take the opportunit­y to explore parts of if you may never have, hidden gems you wished you’d ventured to but never had the time.

Put the excuses aside and get out and about in your backyard and help keep this place ticking over. You family, friends and neighbours are relying on it.

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