The Gold Coast Bulletin

MP’s plea to act on violence


A GOLD Coast MP called domestic violence perpetrato­rs “animals” during a passionate address to parliament on Wednesday.

Shadow Health Minister and Mudgeeraba MP Ros Bates opened up about her own experience­s with domestic violence during Question Time.

Ms Bates (pictured) has previously revealed her father subjected her, her mother and two sisters to almost four decades of extreme domestic violence.

“As a survivor of domestic violence my heart breaks every time I learn of another tragic death,” she said.

“Five years after the bipartisan Not Now, Not Ever report women are still dying at the hands of those who are meant to love them.

“I must ask: how many more tragedies will happen before the (Attorney-General) acts?”

Just days before the anniversar­y of Brisbane mum Hannah Clarke’s horrific death – along with her children – at the hands of her former partner, another woman was killed in a unit fire believed to have been lit by her ex-partner. Neighbours said she had gone to police “daily”.

During a later speech Ms Bates called for more action on the “insidious” crime. “Too many women are falling through the cracks, too many are having 30 contact points with police,” she said. “We must do more, we have to do more, more women are dying.”

Domestic Violence Prevention Minister Shannon Fentiman told Ms Bates in parliament she was “incredibly committed” to working with DV survivors and services.

“I acknowledg­e that, of course, there is always more to do,” she said. “It is heartbreak­ing for everyone in this House to see those tragedies play out.

“I give you my commitment, I give the House my commitment and I give the community my commitment that this government will not stop to keep women safe.”

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