The Gold Coast Bulletin


Eckstein lauds Day’s unpreceden­ted series clean


WHEN Ali Day turned the cans for the final time on his way to claiming the Nutri-Grain Ironman Series crown, he thought about what all-time great Shannon Eckstein would do.

But by finishing the series unbeaten after six rounds, Day has done what even the man considered to be the greatest of all time could not achieve.

Day dominated at Kingscliff over the weekend and the man who was hampered by two broken wrists last season was untouchabl­e as he cruised to the line in the final three rounds.

LEGENDARY ironman Shannon Eckstein has hailed Ali Day’s historic Nutri-Grain series win as “one of the greatest comebacks in sport” after Day claimed a series clean sweep just 18 months after injury threatened to end his career.

Day achieved what many long considered impossible when he crossed the line in first at Kingscliff on Sunday for the sixth consecutiv­e race, completing a series clean sweep that had previously never been achieved – even by nine-time champion Eckstein.

“I had five wins and one second, twice,” said Eckstein, who retired in 2019 as the undisputed greatest ironman of all time.

“I know how very, very hard it is to do. I won nine series but I never had a perfect year in the Kellogg’s (series). That’s very hard to do.

“I heard someone say he had seven race wins in his last 10 years of racing, so to come out and win six in a row is a big step up.”

It was Day’s third series win, following success in 2014-15, when he pipped Eckstein for the crown, and 2018-19.

He joins Eckstein (9), Darren Mercer (7), Zane Holmes (5) and Dean Mercer (4) as the only ironmen to have won three or more series since its inception in 1986.

“With the Kingscliff surf, or lack of surf, it was probably a good year to try to win the six. It probably got rid of a lot of the variables,” Eckstein said.

“When you’re the best guy in the race you always want the least variables so that you can go out there and dominate, and that’s what Ali did.

“His swimming was just so much faster than everyone else and when you’re in those conditions, no one will catch you.”

But beyond Day’s historymak­ing feat, Eckstein was most impressed that his former rival was lining up on the beach at Kingscliff at all.

It was in July 2019 that Day, posing for a promotiona­l shoot for novelty event Iron X, slipped from some monkey bars and broke both his wrists.

Many, Day included, wondered if he would race again.

“More than anything it’s just incredible he’s come back to win, by getting through the trial and then winning that first race, that was amazing,” Eckstein said.

“There were rumours … Ali was in a lot of trouble and may never race again. It’s just incredible that he’s gotten back to where he is now.

“He would have been fighting a lot of demons and dark times. I’ve had a couple of little injuries myself – the tedious rehab you have to go through (is tough), and that’s before training and getting back to full fitness.

“(Day’s) is one of the greatest comebacks I think in sport, to have come back from double broken wrists in a gruelling sport like ours is nothing short of incredible.”

Only 16 days earlier, Day had dedicated his openingrou­nd victory to wife Kel, newborn son Danny and the support crew that guided him through the dark days when he wondered whether a return to racing was possible.

His goal then– to get a single post-race victory photo with Danny before he retired – was in hindsight a relatively modest one. But it spoke to the incredible effort and sacrifice Day endured to be on the beach at Kingscliff at all, let alone go on to make history.

“It’s by far the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through,” Day said of his journey back from injury.

“It means so much to me just to be here on the start line, but to win a series – win six races – and do it in front of my mum and dad, my sister, my wife, my wife’s family and my sponsors … so many people have helped me get to the start line today and that was ultimately for them.”

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Picture: Harvpix
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