The Gold Coast Bulletin

Anzac plan to uphold goodwill for our royals


THE recent passing of Prince Philip has understand­ably touched many of us, especially the men and women of the Armed Forces.

It is a very sad occasion, though expected and watching the many tributes on free-to-air media affected me somewhat, bringing back memories of my mother’s love and fondness for the royals, especially Queen Elizabeth.

The two were born within six months of each other but the coincidenc­es become obvious when like my mother, Princess Elizabeth as she was during the war, was a member of the Auxiliary Territoria­l Service (ATS), known as the women’s branch of the British Army.

No, they never met but Mum was close to her in spirit and followed her every move as she evolved into the role that she continues to excel in today.

Neverthele­ss the coincidenc­es of key events such as my parents, the Queen and Prince Philip, both couples getting married in the same year, 1947, first sons born in the same year 1948 kept the love for the Royals flowing until she passed early this century.

My father served in the Second World War with the British Forces from late 1939, until honourably discharged in early 1946. Dad obviously survived the war, served in numerous Middle East campaigns, was wounded at El Alamein, taken prisoner by the Italians following a failed commando raid to retake Tobruk in September 1942, spent nearly a year as a prisoner of war then escaped.

As luck has it, Mum and Dad met in late 1943 after he was repatriate­d to England where he was assigned as a military instructor near Buxton, Derbyshire where Mum lived.

They met, fell in love and were married for some 53 years.

Mum’s love for Queen and Country, its heritage/history and her admiration for Prince Philip who served with distinctio­n in the British Armed Forces/Navy has resurfaced in my memory through emotional recalls.

Without doubt Prince Philip is a symbol of British aristocrac­y that reflects loyalty, discipline, compassion and courage – and myself as an ex-serviceman I will continue the goodwill that my parents fostered for the royals on this Anzac Day.

When we are marching or observing this solemn occasion our thoughts and prayers will include Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth and the royal family as well as the British nation as a whole.

Lest we forget.

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