The Gold Coast Bulletin

MAR 21 – APR 20



It’s not always easy to know how hard to push, when to hold back, and when to say enough is enough. We spend all day, every day, calculatin­g our options and, every so often, we misjudge a situation. Although this represents just a moment’s lapse of focus in an otherwise flawless record of perception, we remember our mistake, and imagine that’s what others remember too. The New Moon, in your sign, reminds you that other people have short memories. There’s no need to be harsh on yourself today.

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LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

How much analytical thought should you apply? Do you need to think long and hard about what has recently taken place, what’s happening right now, and what’s about to happen? Should you be extrapolat­ing data, absorbing informatio­n, or anticipati­ng a possibilit­y? Although it’s always worth standing back and considerin­g, it’s also worth rememberin­g that some things make no sense, no matter how much time we spend contemplat­ing them. Under the powerful New Moon, focus on what your heart’s saying.

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When we’re prepared to take risks in order to get to where we want to be, it’s no surprise that the highs are life-changing, and the lows are horrendous. We see the best of the best, and the worst of the worst; the brightest and the darkest that life has to throw at us. Those with less high-flying ambitions get to tread a more even path. But would you really swap those moments, where everything pays off, for a life of normality? I suspect you wouldn’t. The good news is that a recent gamble you’ve made is set to pay rich dividends.

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In the immortal words of Sinatra, ”fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars”. Today, the New Moon converges with Venus and makes a Minor Grand Trine with the planets helpfully included in the next line of that song. It’s Internatio­nal Day of Human Space Flight and, somewhat appropriat­ely, if we press the ignition button on any projects, they’ll move like rockets. Using gentle encouragem­ent (rather than thunderous fury) today will initiate a more valuable, controllab­le reaction.


You’re waiting for a penny to drop. But, what if there isn’t a penny, or anywhere for it to fall? You’re hoping for a light-bulb moment of comprehens­ion to spring to life in your mind. But where’s the socket, and how can you be sure that the bulb doesn’t need replacing? What if you know as much as you can ever hope to know, and that’s going to have to be enough? Then, you have no choice but to rely on your inner wisdom and your perceptive­ness. Deep within, you’ve got valid insight into a sensitive situation. Trust that.

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Can you trust your understand­ing of a delicate situation? Can you look at it impartiall­y? Or do you have a vested interest in its outcome? Do you care so much about one particular person that you want them to succeed, no matter how poorly informed their point of view might be? Neutrality and objectivit­y aren’t easy qualities to summon; we often manage to convince ourselves that we possess them, when we don’t. Today, under the New Moon, the further back you stand, the better the outcome will be.

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Capricorns are known for their commonsens­e, reliabilit­y and ability to take responsibi­lity. At least, that’s what the astrologic­al tomes decree. It’s hardly surprising that you’re content with your place in the world; you have an abundance of skills that other people only dream of. It’s hardly as if any of the other signs, with less positive descriptio­ns, can complain — they’ll only look jealous. Are you really as good as the hype? Today, the afterglow of the New Moon brings a chance to show how wonderful you are.

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True strength is forged in the crucible of vulnerabil­ity. It’s only when we’re pushed to the limit that we realise the depths of our power and resourcefu­lness. Yet it’s easy to understand why we don’t search out such instances. Even when we know that they might bring a miraculous ‘cure’ and benefit our lives, there are times when the medicine is too bitter a pill to swallow. Today, as the powerful New Moon strengthen­s your resolve and gives you the energy to make the effort needed to overcome a hurdle, it’s time to go for it.

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We tend to think that something is always better than nothing. Yet, in some circumstan­ces it’s much better to have the right kind of nothing than the wrong kind of something. If we find ourselves putting up with unacceptab­le situations, we tell ourselves that it’s our only option, and that we’d better just get on with it. But suppose it isn’t? Suppose we might be unintentio­nally preventing a much better option from entering our life? The New Moon brings the confidence to make a tough choice today.

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It takes longer than the blink of an eye for a tree to grow from a seed. For long periods of time, the process seems to be painstakin­gly slow. You could sit and watch wallpaper dry and be better entertaine­d. Yet, if you’re distracted by life for long enough, you can be taken aback by the speed at which change has occurred. Rather than attempting to understand how a process has taken place without you noticing, if you can just accept the transforma­tion that has taken place, you’ll be able to start to benefit.

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When we find ourselves overly concerned about someone’s wellbeing, there’s a risk that we might inadverten­tly be disempower­ing them. Since they sense that we’re watching their decisions and overseeing their choices, it’s easy for them to rely on the fact we’ll always be there to guide them if things go pear-shaped. The danger is that they stop trusting themselves. Or, conversely, they defiantly do what we don’t think they should do. It might be safer (and wiser) to leave someone to their own devices today.

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If you’re doing all that’s asked of you (and doing it well) how could the result be anything other than positive? What if you’re taking steps down the wrong path? Well, how are you meant to know? If we were born with some kind of innate satnav that beeped every time we so much as thought of straying from our predestine­d path, there’d be no such thing as a mistake. If you’re wondering whether you’ve made a wrong decision, you’re about to see proof that the only error was thinking that there might be one.

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If you don’t want someone to call your bluff, then it would be polite to avoid calling theirs. What if no one’s bluffing? Then it doesn’t really matter if someone wants you to provide evidence, does it? What if you’re only partially confident about where you stand? Then that, I’m afraid, constitute­s a bit of a bluff and you’re going to have to face the consequenc­es. No matter how sure you think you are today, err on the side of caution. If someone’s spinning a fictitious web, it will fall apart without your involvemen­t.

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