The Gold Coast Bulletin

Fraudster’s $50k scam


A SERIAL fraudster siphoned $50,000 from Centrelink because he failed to tell the government about the money he was earning as a casual labourer.

John Carl Tehan received the additional taxpayer payments over 10 years between February 2009 and March 2018.

However, when added together, the period he did not report as required was three years.

The 52-year-old pleaded guilty in the Southport Magistrate­s Court on Wednesday to 10 counts of obtaining financial advantage for self, driving under the influence of drugs and possessing dangerous drugs.

Magistrate Grace Kahlert sentenced Tehan to three years’ prison with immediate release on a $1000 bond.

He was disqualifi­ed from driving for six months and ordered to pay back more than $44,000. Tehan has already paid back more than $5000.

“The offending is serious and involves protracted defrauding of the Department of Social Security,” Magistrate Kahlert said.

She said those who committed social security fraud created “a risk of demonising the needy in our community”. “Social security fraud is somewhat prevalent in the community and it requires a sentence that deters you and other people from engaging in this kind of behaviour.”

Between February 2009 and March 2018 Tehan was working as a casual labourer while also receiving the Newstart allowance and, for a short period, a carers allowance, the court was told. He was eligible for both but Tehan failed to declare income meaning he was overpaid.

Tehan did report his income on 43 occasions but failed to on other occasions, leading to overpaymen­ts.

The court was told Tehan did not come to a voluntary interview set up in 2019.

The overpaymen­ts were detected when the Australian Taxation Office did data matching on Tehan.

Tehan was also caught on CCTV cameras getting in and out of his car on Surfers Paradise Blvd about 7.30am on April 12 last year.

When police arrived he was asleep behind the wheel. Police found cannabis in his car.

Defence lawyer Patricija Nedeljko, of Gatenby Criminal Lawyers, said Tehan tried to call Centrelink on a number of occasions but was unsuccessf­ul.

“He had to wait a long time and on other occasions he simply forgot,” she said.

Since the incidents Tehan has moved to Victoria where he lives with his new partner.

Ms Nedeljko said Tehan was a heavy user of cannabis and the drug ice but had been clean since May last year.

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