The Gold Coast Bulletin



Here in London, I’ll have the rare opportunit­y to witness the Moon’s shadow obscure the Sun today. But, unlike the Inuit and Yupik people of Canada and Siberia, I won’t get to see the spectacle of a Total Eclipse. Yet, even if you’re somewhere where the skies don’t darken, there’s no chance this event will go unnoticed. The Eclipse signifies a change of approach; it will inspire us to think differentl­y. As long as we look before we leap, a bigger, more beautiful picture will emerge.


They tell us we’re the architects of our own destiny, and they’re probably right. But are we also the decorators, the roofers, the heating engineers and the kitchen designers? Are we the financial investors too? What happens when we realise we don’t have as much of this last resource as we need? Will our plans turn to nothing? You’re very aware of the reason why a certain plan can’t go full steam ahead. Yet, the Solar Eclipse enables you to look beyond the obstacles and find an innovative way to move onwards.

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LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

Should you be here reading this prediction? Or should you be somewhere else, doing something different? You seem to be surrounded by people who have conflictin­g ideas about what’s right for you to do. Hidden, somewhere in this diversity of opinion, is your own view – but that doesn’t seem to count for much. No wonder you’re not sure whether it’s important to do what you want to do, or do what someone else wants you to do. The Solar Eclipse brings a chance for several very different objectives to successful­ly converge.

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Is there any hope for the human race? Are we a lost cause? Can anything be done to save us from the growing sense of individual­ism that seems to be sweeping our planet? Are we doomed to the same fate as the dinosaurs? We don’t seem to do much to deserve this extraordin­ary world of ours. Yet, if you take a moment to look beneath the surface, the precious gifts of kindness, generosity and selflessne­ss can still be found. The Solar Eclipse suggests that you’ll be the recipient of someone’s finest qualities today.

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It’s said that you make your own luck, so that must mean the luck (or lack of it) you’re dealing with is a direct consequenc­e of your previous actions. The problem is that if we’re not careful and we act and react on impulse, we inadverten­tly set off processes that develop a momentum of their own. We can end up so focused on these that we have no time to set new and different goals. If you like what luck seems to be bringing you now, let it continue to bring it on. If not, then the Solar Eclipse gifts you the power to change it.

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”Time keeps on slipping … into the future” is a lyric from the song Fly Like An Eagle. It might not feel appropriat­e to sing it to you when your ruling planet, Mercury, is slipping backwards across the skies, especially when you feel as if you’re being forced to face an issue you thought you’d left behind. Yet, this is a fleeting feeling. It will last just long enough for you to find something useful. Today’s Solar Eclipse illuminate­s a memory that holds the key to a decision that will enable you to move into a brighter, less encumbered future.

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Have you ever watched a talent show and been amazed, week on week that the novelty act – who can neither sing nor dance – keeps getting through? Surely people aren’t voting for them in those kinds of numbers, are they? The producers must be fiddling the figures. If so, what does that mean for your vote? It’s easy to wonder how much of a difference we really make in the grand scheme of things. Yet the Solar Eclipse brings concrete proof of what a difference your efforts are making, and just how valued you are.

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Scientists talk about the illusionar­y quality of time. We think of ourselves going along a road. The past is behind us, the future ahead. We can’t go backwards or forwards. We’re stuck where we are. Or rather, where we were – even since you started to read this, time’s moved on. Yet that might be the wrong way to look at it. With your ruling planet retrograde, you’re in a time of reassessme­nt. The Solar Eclipse enables you to heal an aspect of your past that will affect your future. It’s not time travel, but it’s as close as you get.

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Some people are rough and tough. They don’t let anyone push them around. They try to show the rest of the world who’s boss before anyone gets a chance to put them in their place. Yet, the danger of adopting an overly assertive stance is that the cosmos only lets us get so far, and no further. Something pulls us up and obliges us to learn about humility. Of course, being meek and mild doesn’t get us where we want to go either. Today, under the influence of the Solar Eclipse, you can find the right balance and get exactly what you want.

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Some members of your sign have a natural gift for analysis that’s greater than their desire for action. They like to balance up the pros and cons and think things through. They enjoy cogitating and criticisin­g. Yet they’re hesitant about rolling up their sleeves and taking action. But you’re different, aren’t you? If you’re feeling anxious about putting a theory into action, today’s Solar Eclipse brings a boost of self-confidence. Not only do you know what needs to be done, you have the expertise to pull it off with aplomb. You’ve got this.

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Writing is authoritat­ive. We might not like to think of it in this way, but it’s true. If, for instance, I was to tell you to watch out for a purple badger playing a harmonica today, you’d have to second-guess yourself, momentaril­y, before dismissing it as a ridiculous idea. We read in anticipati­on of truth. It might not take us long to recalibrat­e (sometimes it’s so fast we don’t realise we’re doing it) but it happens. Isn’t that wonderful? That our natural instinct is to believe? When the Solar Eclipse reveals surprising informatio­n, trust it.

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When people think they’re in the right, they assume that everyone else is wrong. Often (as we see demonstrat­ed in the field of politics) they encourage others to believe this too; it reinforces their message and encourages people to support their views. This strategy plays into an unconsciou­s human flaw – we like seeing things in black and white, right and wrong. The Solar Eclipse highlights several good answers to a specific question. If you’re open-minded and take them all into considerat­ion, you’ll make excellent progress.

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Big game hunters were once celebrated as heroes. Nowadays, we consider them to be exploitati­ve thrill seekers who should be ashamed; there’s nothing heroic about using a weapon against an endangered animal. Neverthele­ss, you need to think of yourself as a hunter today. You’ve spent a long time with this target in your sights. Now you need to move silently and stealthily through the undergrowt­h towards it. Stay alert and vigilant as you move closer. The Solar Eclipse brings an opportunit­y you’ve been waiting for. Seize it.

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