The Gold Coast Bulletin

From a drip to racing glory


MICHAEL Moroney watched on from his couch in Victoria as his tough-as-nails mare Tofane ran away with Queensland’s greatest racing prize on Saturday afternoon to complete a remarkable comeback story.

Just months ago, Tofane was on a drip at a vet clinic in Werribee after responding badly to a regular procedure which had connection­s keen to sell her at the Magic Millions broodmare sale last month.

Fast forward several months and the mare is now a dual Group 1 winner after a last-minute decision was made to keep her in work as opposed to selling.

Tofane’s journey to Queensland began after a disappoint­ing run in The Everest last year required her to need surgery to fix her breathing.

“We thought she would be pretty hard to beat in The Everest and she was disappoint­ing,” Moroney said of the ninth placing.

“Then when she was pulling up, she was gurgling and couldn’t get enough air so we did the scope on her and she had displaced her soft palate.

“We had it lasered to change the shape of it to allow

more air simple.”

It was then when things went pear-shaped however, with Moroney revealing they had originally targeted the Sydney autumn before a string of setbacks. in, it was pretty

“She came back and then when she was in the stables she got really crook, high temperatur­e and all of that but we didn’t think it was anything major,” he said.

“My vet was in the box next to her and she looked at her when she was having a leak, she could smell the urine and it wasn’t right so she did a blood test and worked out she was in trouble.

“We took her straight to Werribee and they put her on a drip for what we thought would only be a couple of days and she would be right but it was five days.

“When she got back, she lightened off completely so that’s where the decision was made to put her in the sale because we couldn’t get her to the races we wanted to in Sydney so we went to Queensland instead.

“She bounced back but we had to be patient and not rush her so we forgot about Sydney and now it has paid off hasn’t it.”

Moroney, who was unable to travel to Queensland due to Covid-19 travel restrictio­ns said all things being well, Tofane would now head to the Group 1 Tatts Tiara (1400m) at Eagle Farm in a fortnight’s time.

“We will probably go to the Tiara, that was only her third run this campaign and we planned on the Tiara before this,” he said.

“She appears to be going well, she ate up well and when they went and saw her this morning she was fine.

“Looking at the photo, you can see she has had a run but she was like that after her last start and then she was bouncing around after two days. I expect her to do the same here. If that is the case we will go towards the Tiara.”

Tofane is currently a $5 favourite for the Tatts Tiara with TAB while Odeum is $6.

 ??  ?? Craig Williams on Tofane
Craig Williams on Tofane

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